Trust the journey

The Angels – Your lives will unfold in the most miraculous ways this year if you can trust that everything around you is conspiring to lead you to greater love.

allowThe things and people that inspire you are like beacons guiding you to greater love. Allow yourself to follow your heart even in things that seem insignificant. If you want a cup of coffee, stop and get one. You never know who you might meet.

The unloving souls and challenging circumstances are like canyon walls that guide the water to choose an easier path. Allow yourself to lovingly move away from what hurts or upsets you towards what feels more loving. Stop trying to save, fix, and change those who haven’t asked for it, and instead allow yourselves joy no matter what those around you choose. You will become the beacons of love and joy to guide those who are ready. Continue reading

Spend Quiet Time At The Holy Altar Within

allowJohn Smallman – The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love!  And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth.

Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that.  Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

None of you are in any way inadequate, you are all divine beings doing precisely what you incarnated to do.  Let go of all negative self-judgments because they are completely invalid.  You are all beloved children of God, highly honored for what you are doing even though it may appear to you that you have nothing of value to offer humanity in its massive awakening undertaking.

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You Are The Earth

allowMary O’Malley – Spring has arrived, and I invite you to take some time in this magical season to truly connect with the Earth. You are the Earth. Your bones are made out of particles that were once a part of mountains. Your cells are surrounded and penetrated by the ocean. The breath that moves through you once moved through mighty cedar trees and baby pandas. And all the plants and herbs that you partake of come from a love affair with the sun! To connect with the Earth is to remember that you are a part of the mysterious and awesomely creative process that is Life. To connect with the Earth is to be invited to live from the awareness of the sacredness of all.

If you really think about it, most of the time there are shoes and floors and concrete between you and a full connection with this sacred planet. You may every once in a while smell the Earth and you may actually pause for a moment here and there to truly see its beauty, but you rarely truly touch it. So, at your first opportunity, take off your shoes and find some grass to wiggle your toes in. Be like a child and allow your feet to play with the Earth!

And if you want to take this further, lie down on the Earth and take a few moments to look at your world from this position. Open to the beauty of the sky above you with the eyes of a child, and watch the clouds dance. When you are ready, close your eyes and allow your imagination to move down through the Earth below you all the way out to the other side, and discover that the Earth is resting in vast oceans of space! Now extend your awareness out to the left and the right and above you and discover there too are vast oceans of space. Feel how solid the Earth is below you. Then, just as the Earth allows itself to be held by space, allow yourself to be held by the Earth as you dance through the cosmos. Melt into her embrace.

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