Commercial almond milk exposed as fake beverage thickened with carrageenan instead of almonds

– Commercial almond milk has been exposed as a fake beverage that is thickened with carrageenan instead of almonds

Almond milk is a healthy beverage that is touted by many health advisers for its nutritional benefits. Known since the Middle Ages, almond milk has enjoyed increased popularity in recent years as it has become more widely available. Almond milk is traditionally made from almonds and water. However, many commercially available forms of almond milk contain a substance called carrageenan. Carrageenan is made from red seaweed and is added to the almond milk to thicken and to stabilize the liquid.

What is almond milk?

Almond milk is made by blending almonds and water and then straining the mixture. Sweeteners are sometimes added. In 2014, almond milk surpassed soy milk in popularity. Almond milk contains about 90 calories per eight-ounce cup. It has no saturated fats or cholesterol and is lactose-free. Almond milk contains half of the daily requirement of vitamin E and a good dose of vitamin D, but it contains very little protein. With its creamy, nut-like taste, almond milk is a good alternative to milk in coffee and cereal. Its low calorie content makes it a good food for dieters and those who are lactose intolerant. People who regularly drink almond milk are advised to ensure that they get adequate protein from other plant or animal sources. Continue reading