Aloe Vera Is An Anti-Tumor Herb That’s Also Great For Your Skin And Cardiovascular System

NaturalNews  March 24 2014

AloeVeraAloe Vera has a history that spans over 6000 years. The Egyptian civilization was the first to note its extraordinary health benefits and called it the plant of immortality. It was used for various health issues ranging from insomnia, baldness, bad digestion and even cancer. It is now regularly grown in tropical locations such South Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Additional healing properties were discovered through time and starting with 18th Century, Aloe Vera was often employed for other conditions like skin irritations, burns and wounds.

Aloe Vera is now considered to be a superfood by many health practitioners since it has continuously displayed outstanding antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antioxidant properties. This herb is filled with substantial amounts of numerous vitamins and minerals. It is also considered an adaptogen which basically means that it has the ability to help the body adapt and resist to practically any induced changes that normally would lead to illnesses. It automatically stimulates defence mechanisms that can cope much more effectively when faced with various forms of stress.

Aloe Vera is not only exceptionally good for the skin and immune system, but research now tends to show its immense potential when dealing with problems related to the cardiovascular system and even certain forms of cancer.

Research shows that aloe Vera can inhibit skin cancer growth

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Discover The Seven Most Nutrient-Dense Foods On Earth

NaturalNews May 22 2013

Aloe veraThe superfood tag is awarded to nutrient-dense foods, which pack more nutrients or antioxidants per bite than most other foods. Superfoods are food, not just nutritional extracts, minerals, or vitamins sold as supplements to food, such as B complex capsules, etc.

One may survive on a couple of superfoods, but as meals they aren’t very fulfilling. Nevertheless, as foods, the body accepts them more easily than most extracted supplements. So eat good food with added superfoods as well.

Here are seven to consider

(1) Chlorella is treated by most as a supplement. But it is a food, actually. Around the end of WW II, it was considered as a solution for world hunger because it’s so easy to culture and harvest from fresh water ponds or man-made pools.

That idea was abandoned because chlorella cell walls were too tough to digest. But a technique has been developed to break the cell walls mechanically without damaging the algae.

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How To Improve Digestion Naturally With 5 Simple Tips

Natural Society March 22 2013

Do you want to know how to improve digestion – naturally? Food should make you feel good; it should provide energy and wellness. But if it doesn’t, don’t worry; there are some very simple solutions that could get things running more smoothly when you’re plagued with digestive problems on a regular basis.

Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and heartburn are just a few of the common digestive complaints that plague people. It seems so simple, but the solution to fix these digestive problems lies in changing your dietary habits. Normally, these issues arise when you are either eating something you shouldn’t be, or missing out on something you should be getting.

How to Improve Digestion Naturally

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