Follow Your Soul Vision

Simion  March 1 2014

treeWhen you follow the guidance of your soul you will be able to recreate a self that reflects your source energy and adds to creation with inner purpose. The art of listening to your soul’s guidance will aid you in creating a new self in a new world. Tapping into this inner power requires you to let go of all the fears and beliefs that prevent you from envisioning a new self with enhanced perceptions. Seeing through the soul’s lens will be unfamiliar at first, and will therefore be challenging for you to trust, until the new knowing is tested and accepted. Expect this to be the case.

Your ego mind will not let go all at once. It is a process, and rightly so. If you were to lose the ego self that you have built through your life, and before, all at once, you would go insane. You must lose it slowly, and replace it with the vision your soul creates. One way of seeing must replace another. If you have not attempted to develop your soul mind’s eye and suddenly lose your ego, you would not understand your true self, and what you are capable of, and you would feel lost.

It will benefit you to continually challenge yourself to look beyond your fears and insecurities, as much of your ego comes from those concepts, and free your soul to take a fresh view of everything that you are and do. Check with your soul, in every decision you make, for wisdom that your outer shell may be hiding from you. What is the outer picture you are afraid to let go of? What does the inner you really cherish and desire?

Recreating your life around your soul’s innermost desire for evolution will be a rewarding and invigorating experience, when you are on a connected track. If you are off the track, you will feel confused and fearful. Ask your soul to give you a simple means of communicating that bypasses the rational mind. Ask it to give you a signal that will mean “Yes” or “No” regarding whether a decision is elevating for your soul path or not. Play with this and be lighthearted about it.

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