Understanding The Law Of Attraction: “You Don’t Attract What You Want, You Attract What You Are.”

gratitudeAlanna Ketler – A few weeks ago, I was watching a documentary called, “The Shift, Ambition To Meaning,” featuring beloved author and spiritual teacher, Dr. Wayne Dyer. In this film, a question is raised about the law of attraction, and how that actually works. Dr. Dyer responded with a very simple statement, that was, “You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.” This stuck with me and has been serving me ever since.

When I envisioned all of the things that I want in life, and then compare those to where I am at now, how I was acting, and what I was doing on a daily basis it seemed perfectly clear as to why things had not been working out the way I imagined. You have to literally be what you want to become. After hearing this quote from Dr. Dyer, it was like a light bulb went off in my head and I realized that in order to achieve what I know in my heart I want for myself, I must be that, and live that truth whenever possible. Continue reading