The Importance of Recognizing America as a Republic

Benjamin Franklin, after leaving the Constitutional Convention was asked by someone what kind of government they had established. He replied, “A republic if you keep it.”

Most people who took a government class in middle or junior high school learned that the United States is a Constitutional Republic. I’m not sure if this information is still taught to students.

Here is what the Constitution says:

Article IV, Section 4. The United States guarantees to each State of this Union, a Republican form of government, and protects them from invasion; and, on application of the Legislature or the Executive, (when the Legislature is not convenable), against domestic violence.

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Can Democracy Survive the ‘Defenders of Democracy’ in 2024?

Can Democracy Survive the 'Defenders of Democracy' in 2024?Jonathan Turley – In 2024, the greatest test for our Constitution may be whether it can survive the “Defenders of Democracy.”

Ronald Reagan often said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Today, Reagan’s line cannot compare with the line that sends many of us into a fetal position: “I’m a Democrat and I am here to save democracy.”

The jump scare claim is that unless citizens vote for democrats, the end of democracy will begin shortly. In 2022, House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told “Fox News Sunday” that “democracy will be ending” if Democrats lost the midterms. Continue reading