It’s All One Big Status-Acquisition Hustle

The End Of An Era

“The old politics of right versus left, and Republican opposed to Democrat have now given way to a new existential struggle: Americans must choose between civilization—or its destroyers.” Victor Davis Hanson

James Howard Kunstler – Now that you, the lucky ones, are beyond your steaming platters of pancakes and mighty rashers of bacon, and perhaps even a dram or two of grog in your coffee. . . and clawed your way through the bales of presents. . . a merry Christmas to all. . . and here’s something else to think about this morning: Continue reading

Leftists Make Great Pets but Lousy Leaders

Leftists Make Great Pets but Lousy LeadersJ.B. Shurk – It is striking just how much leftists enjoy being dominated by Big Government. Please make us stand six feet apart! Please monitor and police our speech! Please punish us for skirting COVID lockdowns! Please mandate new experimental goop for our veins!

Every time the oppressive authoritarians in positions of power abuse that power to make outrageous and unconstitutional demands of the American people, the leftists hop to and beg for even more obnoxious restrictions. Politicians and bureaucrats are just people (often bad people), but to leftists, they’re celebrities, (needed) father figures, and the atheist’s empty-suited pantheon of false gods. Continue reading

The Left Has Ensured that this Will Never be a Socialist Country

american leftSteve McCann – The breathtaking ignorance, unabashed espousal of authoritarian policies and nonsensical concepts by the current poster child of the American Left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is a window into the end-product of the indoctrination and resultant mindset of a significant demographic segment of nearly two generations.  While Marxist philosophy still undergirds this mindset, a uniquely American doctrine has become the tip of the spear in what will be a failed attempt in transforming the United States into a socialist nation.

Over the past 170 years, since 1848 and the publication of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the Left throughout the world has succeeded in imposing socialism, and its offspring Communism, on various nations by fomenting and exploiting class antagonisms.   This includes the United States where the American Left has successfully mainstreamed various programs with their roots in socialism, but the nation remains far from evolving into the socialist nirvana they envision.  However, whatever degree of success the Marxist true believers have achieved has taken nearly a century to accomplish. Continue reading