Opening The Seven Sacred Chakras

“Meditation is nothing but withdrawing all the barriers; thoughts, emotions, sentiments, everything that builds a wall between you and existence. The moment they drop, you suddenly find yourself in tune with the whole; not only in tune, you really find you are the whole.” –Osho

“Remember you don’t meditate to get anything, but to get rid of things. We do it, not with desire, but with letting go. If you want anything, you won’t find it. You won’t be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.” –Arjahn Chah

DivineHumanChakrasLotusGary Z. McGee – The seven chakras are an enigma to many people, but the more conscious we become of how energy moves through our body, the more we discover that which is healthy, superior, infinite, and unconditional within us.

The more we meditate on this type of energy, the more we allow our personal frequency to resonate with the greater orchestra of the cosmos. And the more we allow our frequency to resonate, the more balance and health we will experience in our lives. Continue reading

The Heart Breath

laurabruno  August 12 2013 (Thanks, LB)

Laura writes ~ Here’s a fun, non-astrological post from my friend, Timothy Glenn. In today’s article, he covers dimensions zero through infinity, with focus on some of the “lower” dimensions, including 3Dality. He also shares a wonderful technique for reintegrating fearful parts of ourselves back into Universal Love. It’s a different type of post for Tim, but I think readers will enjoy his good humor and heartfelt wisdom.

The Heart Breath


A Technique From the Proterrian Channelings

The multidimensional/extraterrestrial collective known as Proterrian tends to express comical perspectives on our world. Since we make little if any sense to these Beings, their humor stands forth as their hallmark. In the midst of the fun, however, gems of information are shared.

Several years ago, The Heart Breath technique came out while Proterrian was playing a game called “If I were an earthling”, sung to the tune of “If I Were a Rich Man”. If these Beings incarnated among us, The Heart Breath is something they would utilize. The technique has resurfaced, being emphasized in the last several channeling sessions. Proterrian has even been guiding the audiences through the procedure.

Conceptual Backdrop

Proterrian sees us as magnificent twelve dimensional Beings. We comprise all twelve dimensions, and it amuses Proterrian that we think we are trapped in the third dimension and have to fight our way through the muck and mire of the fourth, so we can jump into the fifth and yell “Safe!” Why not integrate all twelve dimensions we already comprise? If only we allowed it, we could experience and express ourselves in any one or in any combination of those dimensions.

The third dimension (known to a friend as Third Dementia) is not something alien to escape, but rather an innate part of ourselves to realign. Another quirky human teaching claims that we must complete the quest of yelling “Safe” in the fifth dimension before we can freely access our higher spiritual energies in the realms beyond. Proterrian chuckles at this notion.

In the midst of all our glorious dimension-juggling antics, we seem to ignore ourselves as two dimensional Beings, and certainly as one dimensional Beings. Proterrian further suggests we start at zero. The Spirit that you are, is not of any specific dimension or set of dimensions. Spirit creates all cosmic planes, dimensions, universes, matrices and whatever kinds of realms exist in this thing called Infinity.

The Heart of the Matter

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