Real Angels And Demons- Interview With Rosemary Guiley [Audio]

Michelle Walling gets into all things that go bump in the night with author Rosemary Guiley on the Cosmic Awakening Show (September 3 of 2015). Rosemary is an expert the paranormal and metaphysical fields and pulls the veil on the following:

  • Ghosts- earthbound spirits and energy signatures
  • Magic- Breaking black magic spells, creating your own reality
  • Vampires- legends and real life energy vampires
  • Angels- Angels of light and angels of darkness, archangels
  • Divination- Tarot, pendulums, and scrying
  • Djinns- good, bad, and the ugly
  • Dreams- Interpretation and dream journaling

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix  Sept. 2016

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, August 24, 2016

“Ocean View Beach, Virginia” – photographer Anna

Disseminating Moon in Taurus/Gemini 7:41 pm ET/11:41 pm UT: share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; Kali, Goddess of Beginnings and Endings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  discern and connect with your heart’s desires; step out of drama and observe like a wise owl in a tree

True Alignments:  ageless, comebacks, trailblazing, developments and achievements, confidence, visual and performing arts, imagination, the place of inner stillness, grounded, ancient sources of wisdom, patience

Catalysts for Change:  indecision, naïve, denial, projection of one’s feelings onto others, lack of common sense, feeling alone/lost, high drama, propaganda, rigid, dominating and controlling, bossing people around, compulsive consumption

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “an evening lawn party of adults”  (gathering, reflecting, expanded perceptions, ease)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (the course of humanity’s renaissance)

Mars is riding shotgun with Saturn today, and early accounts indicate that the “show” is on.  From Monday’s Oracle Report:

“…the three-day march of Mars and Saturn as they make conjunction at 10 Sagittarius: “a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity.”  The aeon Sophia opens another scene in the narrative of her journey.  Archontic energies are re-called to her in great numbers.  This manifests for some with wild scenarios, actions, dramas, and power plays.  Warlike, aggressive, power-addicted, and controlling behavior can result.  This manifests for others with the rewards of reason, effort, perseverance, and wisdom.

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Angelic Presence Multiplying

angelsDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Well this is kind of an interesting week: 7-7-16, 7-7-7 technically, 7-7-9 if you’re really counting the year 2000. But I want to work with the 7-7-7 energy and Angelic Presence because 7 is quite a spiritual number.

So this is about requesting Angelic Assistance and I want to literally see Angels all over, like literally just draped on tree tops, stuck all over your aura, stuck all over your car, every room of the house has several Angels in it.

So I want to see Angels in abundance and to consciously invoke them. Say:

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

helpThe Angels – “Expect the unexpected,” is a common phrase upon your earth. We would say, “Embrace the now, Anticipate the Best!” for in truth dear ones, if you anticipate the best you tend to draw yourselves towards it! If you understand that all things are truly possible with God, then rather than bracing for disappointment, you will joyfully look forward to the surprises and assistance on the path ahead.

God loves you! We love you! We celebrate your presence upon the earth. We celebrate your eternal being. We celebrate when you ask us for assistance because you are using your free will to love yourselves and ask for help. We want to give you the present of Presence over the holidays… the presence of love, the presence of joy, the presence of grace. Allow us please to help you!

We know you are busy during the holidays but everything would go so much more smoothly if you would start and end your day with the Divine. Take a few minutes each morning. “Dear God, Dear Angels, this is what I would like to accomplish this day. Please help me. If you have other plans, dear God, help me trust that you really do know what you’re doing with my life and the universe, and that you love me. Help me trust that my desires will be fulfilled in the most perfect way at the most perfect time. Thank you.” And then dear friends you go about your day, trusting that you will receive all the help you need and that when something does not look as you think it “should” there is always a greater reason.

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On The Nature Of Angels

The Hathors – In this message we wish to discuss our perspective regarding the nature of angels. This has nothing to do with religion. Rather it has to do with interdimensional reality.

For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.

Angels of the Spiritual Realms

angelsThese ephemeral beings are electromagnetic fields of intelligence, some of which have form that is recognizable and some of which do not. These electromagnetic fields of intelligence interact with human beings in unique ways, and the expectations and beliefs of any given human have a lot to do with the nature of the experience. In other words, the belief system of the human being greatly affects what is experienced.

Angels from the spiritual realms take many different forms and while some of them have energy fields that give the impression that they have wings, many of them do not.

These types of angels are created beings. They are force fields of intelligence that are sent out into the ethers, into the cosmos, to do the bidding or to take the action of their creator.

This creator can take the form of what might be referred to as a god, goddess, demigod or demigoddess, an interdimensional being, an alien intelligence, or even a human being. These types of angels have no free will of their own. They are created for the sole purpose of a particular intention.

In most cases an angel will continue on its mission with single-mindedness until the energy that created it is no longer able to sustain it. In some very rare instances these angelic beings can gain a level of self-awareness and an ability to make personal choices separate from the being that created them or gave them birth. This is a very rare occurrence, but it does exist. Continue reading