July and August Eclipses 2018 – Mass Dissolution and Re-formation

sense of selfSchool of the Deep Heart – Within this eclipse window the change is very real and very deep. Tuning into the collective, it is clear we are in a period of mass dissolution. We are the caterpillars in a chrysalis. In order to completely change into new form, the old, unsatisfying ways need to dissolve. We are the butterfly, who, deep into the transformation, first must turn completely to a liquid substance before the reformation into it’s lighter, freer self.

With our egos in this dissolution we are much more susceptible to confusion of our boundaries, and the knee jerk reaction to defend them. It is much easier to pick up other’s energies and confuse them as our own. It is more common to feel any intrusions to our energetic space and feel reactive to it. Sense of self might feel skewed. Continue reading