Geoengineers: Antarctica Needs More Snow

climate changeJoseph P Farrell – Yes, you read that headline correctly. Antarctica needs more snow, according to the following article spotted and shared by “D”, and by golly, the geoengineers want to provide it, all 7,400 gigatons of it:

Scientists propose dumping 7,400 gigatons of ‘artificial snow’ on Antarctica

Now, if you read this thing, you’re probably scratching your head like I am, and wondering if it could possibly become any loopier than it already is. The coming-ice-age-global-warming-climate-change folks have been out in force in the last few decades, warning about rising sea levels and the threat they pose to places like Miami and New York City, unaccustomed as they are to negotiating life in cities built in water, unlike Venice, or for that matter, Amsterdam. But if you’re like me, you’re thinking there’s something wrong with the following: Continue reading

Antarctica Unveiled: Postscript – Cliff High [Video]

basesAlexandra Bruce – Forum Borealis is back with a fourth installation of Clif High speaking with host Al about Antarctica, with details ranging from the sublime to the mundane.

I’ve set it to about an hour into the interview, when things start to get interesting. Clif and Al discuss their contacts in the Southern Hemisphere, in New Zealand, Tasmania and South America, all of whom have observed increased activity of large cargo planes operating out of public and restricted air fields and/or secret bases, which are believed to be supplying bases in Antarctica. Continue reading

More Antarctic Strangeness: Large Cavity Underneath The Polar …

antarcticaJoseph P Farrell – Just when you thought that there could not possibly be any more stories of high strangeness coming out of Antarctica, something comes along to ignite the speculative imagination, and today’s story, shared by Mr. J.Q., and followed up by many others, is no exception.

This story, as most regular readers of this website, or for that matter of my books, are aware, the “High Antarctic Strangeness” began with Hermann Goering sponsoring the Nazi expedition of 1938-39 to the continent, with strange ties to Rudolf Hess. Then of course came the inevitable (and monotonously repetitive) “Nazi last Battalion” stories about Admiral Byrd and Operation High Jump being kicked out by die hard Nazis holed up in their secret flying saucer research and assembly facilities in the continent.

I’ve not subscribed to such theories for a variety of reasons that are not necessary to research here. But American Admiral Richard Byrd did lead a postwar expedition to the continent, and he did leave much earlier than the expedition was scheduled. The expedition was planned at the highest levels, including then Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, and then Secretary of the Navy John Forrestal. On his return, Byrd wrote a lengthy article for National Geographic, appeared on a few television shows, and then the story was forgotten, until his son, who was invited to give a speech on a major anniversary of his father’s expedition to the National Geographic, never showed up, went missing, and was subsequently found murdered in an abandoned warehouse in Baltimore. Continue reading

Of Fossils And Structures And Tire Tracks… In Antarctica

anomaliesJoseph P Farrell – When Mr. M.S. sent me the link for the following video about the discovery of several  “somethings” in Antarctica, I was, at first, inclined to hit the “delete” button, as I do with about 99% of videos people send me. Sorry folks, it’s just the reality of things: I simply do not have the time to watch videos from hundreds of people. But every now and then, one manages to pique my curiosity sufficiently that I have to watch. In this case, I was floored, flabbergasted, stunned, shocked; and there was more than just a queasy anxiety in the pit of my stomach, for if true, then it’s definitely confirmation that “something” is “up” down there.

But first, let me hedge today’s blog around with multiple riders, caveats, exemptions, exceptions, and cave legentibus: 

(1) I have no idea of the reliability of the site from which the video came; I did watch several other videos from the same site, just to get a “feel” for it, and I come away with some ambivalence, though I did not detect any intention willingly to dissemble, but that is a purely subjective assessment, and the reader may disagree; Continue reading

Admiral Byrd’s ‘Diary’ [Video]

national securityAlexandra Bruce – This mini-documentary from Strange But True Stories gives an account of the anomalous details of the US Navy’s large-scale 1947 Operation Highjump led by Rear Admiral Byrd (Ret), that conducted scientific experiments and aerial reconnaissance of Antarctica. The end goal was to establish US sovereignty over a sizable chunk of the continent but the planned 6-month mission was cut short after just few weeks. Antarctica has been integral to the body of paranormal folklore spawned by the National Security Act ever since.

There have been persistent legends of an underground Nazi base in the Antarctic region of Neuschwabenland, of extraterrestrial bases; of these two groups working together and of their violent encounters with the US Navy, some with their roots in the strange reports on Byrd’s mission published in Chilean newspapers during that time. Continue reading