Mexican Beans Hold Superpowers for Health and Beauty

Mexican Beans Hold Superpowers for Health and BeautyLily Anderson – Beans, humble yet nutritious, have been a staple food source for centuries, providing sustenance and essential nutrients to countless communities worldwide. However, recent scientific research has uncovered an additional layer of benefits hidden within these unassuming legumes.

A ground breaking study conducted by researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and CIATEJ in Guadalajara, Mexico, has revealed that certain Mexican bean varieties from the Chiapas region are brimming with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Continue reading

4 Must-Have Foods For Reducing Inflammation Naturally

Health news gives us the overriding impression that cancer, dementia, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes are things that simply happen to us. But this just isn’t true. While genes may play a role in our health quality, many experts agree that chronic inflammation causes virtually all leading diseases due to a poor diet and lack of exercise.

Deemed the mother of most major chronic disease, chronic inflammation is a silent epidemic; a plague afflicting millions of unsuspecting Americans. It is typically a silent  until actual tissue damage and loss of function occurs. There is no single direct test for inflammation. Instead, doctors use indirect methods by measuring blood levels of C-reactive protein, a pro-inflammatory marker, and homocysteine levels.

In light of this news, here are 4 foods that are must-haves for reducing inflammation naturally – and they come with numerous other benefits.

1. Tart Cherries (the ‘master’ anti-inflammatory food)

TartCherryAccording to researchers with Oregon Health & Science University, tart cherries have the “highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.” This is a remarkable statement considering all of the fruits and vegetables with anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties are also likely responsible for the many health benefits of cherries.

The researchers discovered that tart cherries, like Montmorency and Balaton in particular, are rich in phenolics and anthocyanins, more so than sweet cherry varieties like Bing, Lambert, and Rainier. These compounds are known to reduce inflammation considerably.

2. Onions

Antioxidant phytonutrients are what give onions their anti-inflammatory power. Compounds like quercetin and anthocyanin work to prevent the oxidation of fatty acids while reducing inflammation throughout the body. Continue reading