Why Worrying Is a Waste of Energy

worryDo you worry a lot? Is your mind continuously worrying about something that has either happened in the past, is happening now, or may happen in the future? If so, you may be leaking a whole lot of energy and needlessly lowering your level of consciousness in the process.

Worrying vs Caring

People sometimes confuse worrying with caring. They rationalize their fear-based worrying as simply them caring about something or someone. However, there is a key distinction between worrying and caring that is vital to understand. Continue reading

Accepting Your Sovereignty

fearsBrenda Hoffman – Many of you are discovering new interests or strengths, not necessarily because you want to, but because circumstances force you to do so.

That last statement will frighten many, for 3D fears are highlighted with earth changes. The changes we, of the Universes, speak of have more to do with your perceptions than the 3D promoted fear of change.

Many of you respond that buying a home, pregnancy, or a new job is filled with joy. Such was only true in 3D to a certain extent. Even though the event might have been joyous, your 3D world made certain your joy was tinged with fear. “What if I can’t afford the house payments?” “What if I don’t like being a mother or father?” What if, what if, what if. Continue reading

How CBD Can Be Used to Treat Anxiety

CBDThere has been a lot of attention on CBD in recent years. This is great news for those who suffer from anxiety disorders because CBD has the potential to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with occasional anxiousness. In the United States alone, an outstanding 40 million adults are diagnosed with some type of anxiety disorder.

With this in mind, it makes complete sense that people are trying to find natural ways to manage their symptoms rather than relying on typical pharmaceutical routes. If you’re ready to explore how CBD may help you, then keep reading to learn more about this potentially helpful treatment. Continue reading

How a Mindset Shift Helped With My Anxiety

mindsetJennifer Landis – 2020 was not a kind year for those of us who struggle with anxiety. The uncertainty that continues to fly around has our nervous system all a mess.

However, training my brai n how to think about challenging situations has made a world of difference. Various techniques from mindfulness, dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT) and cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) have given me know-how I want to share with others. Here’s how a mindset shift helped me tame my anxiety — maybe these tips can help you, too.

1. I Learned to Accept

If you have ever uttered the 12-step serenity prayer, you know the opening line reads, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.” Radical acceptance is all about not resisting things that no amount of your effort will modify. Continue reading

It’s Time to Stop Playing the What-If Game

what if gamePaul Lenda – Anxiety is like a form of self-torture that we sometimes have tremendous difficulty stopped. However, it is entirely fabricated within our minds as an irrational fear mechanism that stops of from being able to move forward in life. One way anxiety commonly creeps up and freezes us into a state of inaction or flight is the What-If Scenario.

The Classic What-If Scenario

You know what this is. It may seem harmless at first. It’s more of a question than an irrational fear that stops you in your tracks. The information that a what-if emerges out of is usually pretty benign or neutral. However, a tiny hint of worry can progressively expand and branch out and become out of control. One worry turns into several worries, and then your mind is tormented by a torrent of them. Continue reading