Apathy Is No Longer an Option

Apathy Is No Longer an OptionDex Bahr – Historically, Americans have been apathetic about the whole political and moral processes of this country. And guess what! Now it has bitten us squarely on the butt.

Look who’s in charge of the presidency, and of blue and even purple states. Look at how these leaders’ policies have turned morality upside-down, where perversion is mainstream and lawlessness is encouraged. To paraphrase Obi-Wan Kenobi, there’s never been a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Continue reading

Armchair Critics, Lazy Cynics and Controlled Apathy

putinZen Gardner – There’s some very interesting discussion going on about my recent post Vladimir Putin – Agent of the Awakening? Apparently this article is going viral to a major degree around the net, and I think for good reason. Some important dynamics are coming to light that need identifying and people are resonating.

Even the prevailing attitude in the alternative media is awash with conflicting messages. While the predominance of information available to the discretionary viewer is clearly good and empowering regarding these recent events and power swings, there’s a growing underlying current of cynical skepticism that is surreptitiously undermining the sense of commitment needed to confront what is going on.

It’s subtle, and has clear characteristics, yet the awake are on to it. And when it comes to social engineering? Think “controlled apathy” via the creeping paralysis of cynicism and things might start to “twig”, as they say in the UK. It’s time people woke up to these influences.

Reactions and Re-reactions

Let’s get right into these responses.

Randall insightfully wrote regarding the overall message:

Putin doesn’t come wearing glitter and glamour, but poise. In my opinion, there is a confidence about his affirmation that the western team of psychos have outsourced the hired killers, paid them and protected them. Continue reading

How Can We Survive?

“I always wanted to be a lighthouse keeper.” – Chautauqua



Well, here it is 3:00 AMagain with me still wide awake; four nights in a row, unable to sleep, or to command my mind to stop thrashing about seeking some clarity amid the chaos of mankind’s dark night of the soul.

I light up another cigarette with bemused disgust, knowing it’s bad for my health, knowing it probably makes no difference, considering.

When this Ebola outbreak began I tried to tell myself that it was just more of the same old fear pandering we are so accustomed to, tried to pass it off as just that; despite knowing better.

For most of my life I’ve been prone to psychic flashes, even full-on visions every so often. The strongest visions have always happened during dream states, but occasionally when I think I’m drifting off for a nap it will blossom into a kind of mini-vision, or lucid daydream. It is something like what my friend Soren Dreier calls going into the morph. While he has mastered the technique, I have mostly been content to just take what comes. Continue reading

Are Americans Apathetic Or Increasingly Awake & Aware?

Fantastic comment in reply to BFP Roundtable ~ Why Are Americans So Apathetic? (And What Can Be Done About It?) [Video  Thank you, Mike!]

I think many Americans are out of touch, but of those who are not, I believe what appears to be apathy may be their taking in the vast amount of material that is coming in now. After all, for Americans, they must accept now that the country that once believed in itself as the best in the world, is not just not the best, but the worst in the world, in what it has been doing.

This is much more to absorb than people in other countries must do about their situation, not only because they started out with more experience of corrupt governments and wars on their soil, thus seeing the world more accurately, but they can also externalize their anger to some degree to the US because their country is NOT the leader in what is going on but a puppet. (The same can not be said of the British.)

So, for Americans, what looks like apathy may be in part an immense loss of identity and one hopes also internally regrouping. They are having to do this as news of being spied on and endless examples of militarized police going after anyone and the government targeting those who resist as terrorists. Yet, still people are signed onto sites where they are getting information that the government doesn’t want, joining militia, buying guns, prepping, talking to friends, and increasingly aware. Continue reading