Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces The Creepiest App Ever [w/ Video]

James Corbett – Yes, the Canadian government has rolled out an app that gives you points for eating well and exercising and taking quizzes about the flu shot and other healthy activities! And everyone seems totally fine with this.


Welcome to the future, everyone, because the totalitarian states of tomorrow will be more carrot than stick, and we will all be pigeons in a virtual Skinner box. What could go wrong?

appI warned you in 2010, when I published Episode 145 of my podcast, “You Are Being Gamed.”

I warned you in 2015, when I released my video on “Sesame Credit: China’s Creepy New Social Engineering Experiment.”

I warned you last year in these very pages, when I penned my article detailing how “The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t.” Continue reading