May 2017 Energy Report

energyJennifer Hoffman – April’s many retrogrades brought us back to the past so we could move forward into the future. If you saw repeats of the past it was so you could get closure and be done in your mind and heart. In May we have good news and not so good news, as the energy aspects will be strong. But it’s how we choose to experience them that will make the difference for us. May’s key word is ‘surrender’ and that does not mean to give up, it means to stop resisting changes.

We get a welcome change as the moon’s nodes change signs to Leo/Aquarius which will be less energetically taxing than when they were in Virgo/Pisces.  If you’re ready for change, surrender is the way to go so allow the transitions and transformation and be prepared to allow and receive. We’re moving fast now and we’ll move even faster once we take our foot off of the brake and get into high gear.

If surrender is a hard concept for you, I am offering a Surrender Course that teaches how to stop resisting and start receiving, based on Archangel Uriel’s messages about how to surrender to love, peace, joy, freedom, and timing, as well as two messages that teach on how to speak your truth and to ask for guidance as a creator.   Over 10 hours of audios, worksheets, and videos to help you understand and integrate these important concepts. You can find out more and sign up at this link. And from now until May 8, 2017 you can get it at a special price for this month since it is such an important issue. 

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