A Dynamic, Unpredictable, Transformative and Introspective April

venusHenry Seltzer – The astrology of April features Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris. Inner planet retrogrades dominate the astrological landscape, leading to an inward-looking time, including Venus continuing from the previous month up until the 15th, and Mercury beginning on April 9th. The signs of these retrograde planets will also prove to be of great interest in a more detailed analysis, below. Neptune is strong in his own sign of Pisces, lending an air of spiritual fulfillment and, also, of confusion to the proceedings.

Saturn, representing the conservative backlash to major change, is also quite powerfully placed, especially during this first week because stationing on April 5th to retrograde motion. Meanwhile, Uranus continues to be extremely prominent, due to his ongoing long-term conjunction with the new planet, Eris, which greatly strengthens his influence in the direction of an activist agenda, and the opposition between Uranus and Jupiter. While getting wider, this key combination is still active, creating a T-square to Pluto and bringing front and center the radically transformative effects of Uranus-Pluto, the signature outer-planet combination of this difficult decade. Our lives are in metamorphosis, and we are growing through the changes, and this would seem to be an inescapable fact.

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, April 17, 2015

Balsamic Moon in Aries: release, dream

Wisdom Goddess: all

Courthouse Rock in Sedona, Arizona ~ photo by Elisa

Skill: stand aside and let the energy sweep away the old and outworn; prepare to seed your intentions for the new year tomorrow

Positive Imprints: going with the flow, acceptance, recognition of patterns, beacons of light, assistance from spiritual sources, standing up or owning up, unity, striking a chord, purge of the past, new paths, appreciation of someone’s help, darkness abating

Catalysts for Change: blaming others, being too hard on self, feeling unproductive, scattered, ungrounded, lashing out at someone who is trying to help, taking on other’s issues thus taking away their personal journey, unappreciated, divide and conquer tactics

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it up as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up begins to look like it”

Today is an historic day, perched as we are at the edge between an old world and a new one.

While I wish I could wax poetic this “new year’s eve” on how the sweeping of the field of consciousness today ushers a new age that begins tomorrow, I endeavor to always keep it real. The truth is, today carries a combination of some of the most emotionally-challenging energetics possible. The Sabian symbols in effect today include:

  • a large disappointed audience
  • a man in deep gloom; unnoticed, angels come to his aid
  • aroused strikers round a factory
  • a widow at an open grave
  • a porter carrying heavy baggage

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