Concerned About CERN: This Time It’s An AI…

Artificial intelligenceJoseph P Farrell – I’ve been writing off and on on this site, and in one of my books (The Third Way), about my concerns about CERN and its Large Hadron Collider. My “scenario” of wild high octane speculation with respect to the organization and its multi-billion dollar toy has been two-fold:

(1) that the collider is as much about higher dimensional physics as it is about particle physics, and that as such, it might introduce effects in the planet itself, or possibly even the Sun, through hitherto unknown resonance effects, and

(2) that if it was intentionally, though covertly, exploring such effects, that it would have to have, by dint of the case, a massive computing power to do “data correlations” of collider activity with seemingly non-related events: solar activity. terrestrial magnetosphere behavior, even aspects of aggregate human behavior like markets and so on.

That computing power is known and admitted by CERN. In fact, much of that computing power consists of programs – algorithms – to scan the billions of particle collisions occurring in the collider, and selecting those interesting enough for scientists to examine. Continue reading

Lunar Eclipse Spiral

eclipseMeg Benedicte – We’ve now entered the Eclipse corridor and the second eclipse arrives on Friday, July 27th. It is a Blood Red Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius. This is the longest ‘total’ Lunar Eclipse this century, lasting 1 hour and 23 minutes. Just hours before the eclipse, Mercury turns retrograde in Leo on July 26th.

During the Leo/Aquarius eclipse series on the North/South Nodes, society has been dealing with issues of ego-will distortions and karmic resolutions. While Mercury retrogrades in Leo there will be more emphasis on independence, inner authority, personal empowerment and protecting boundaries. Each astrology sign reflects a certain life motto or core strength.  The Leo motto is ‘I will’ and the Aquarius motto is ‘I know’.

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Elites Want Death and Destruction of All Humanity

quayleGreg Hunter – Radio legend, filmmaker and prolific published book author Steve Quayle says what is going on in the news you see is simply cover for the awful and dangerous world being invented for the masses by the global elite. Quayle says, “The news coming out now I call “Circus-distract-ticus.”  I believe this is the most playpen like of news coming out that is meant to focus on the minors while keeping our eyes off the major events going on.”

Quayle lays out the biggest danger facing mankind in his upcoming book called “Terminated, The End of Man is Here.” Quayle says, “The government has a department of propaganda in “Circus-distract-ticus.”  One spokesman for DHS said if you don’t believe what we are saying, you must be the tin-foil-hat, black helicopter believing people.

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Humanity Versus Technology

Artificial IntelligenceLorraine M. Newman – Computers have birthed the technological age benefitting our lives in many ways, in communication, banking, retail activities, education, information, communication, and travel. Society has welcomed these changes, but as advances in artificial intelligence snowball, does this begin to challenge who we think we are?

The advances in artificial intelligence are so rapid AI machines are now designed to be able to create their own AI robots. There is the potential for AI to take over most of our thinking work for us, and is rumoured to be now capable of creating algorithms which track our retail choices then advertise them to us on social media. Artificial narrow-intelligence works through our computers, smart-pads, phones and gadgets. At the next level, Artificial General Intelligence, machines can think like humans; with Artificial Super Intelligence, machines thoughts are smarter than humans by a little, or by millions of times. (Learn more here.)  Continue reading

Artificial Intelligence Takeover

Survival Life Contributor- AI or artificial intelligence has been around for some time now… probably longer than many of us realize. In fact, there are so many applications of this emerging technology that sometimes we even forget that we are using it. From your computer to your mobile phone, your home, workplace, even the car that you drive and the plane that you ride, AI is everywhere.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the top trending technologies in today’s world. You can enhance your AI knowledge with this artificial intelligence online course.

Artificial Intelligence: Are We Prepared for Its Takeover?

Banks, hospitals, factories, music, news, right down to those little toys and video games, all these electronic devices use artificial intelligence. Indeed AI goes beyond those movies that you see about machines coexisting with humans. The truth is there are benefits that artificial intelligence offers to mankind, even though there are also risks. Continue reading