The “Art” Of Artificial Intelligence

artsJoseph P Farrell – It has been quite some time since I blogged about an article from our friends at The Daily Bell, not because I do not find their commentary to be intriguing or even oftentimes thought-provoking, but rather because, as regular readers here know, the blogs on this site are to some extent community-driven.

I blog about the articles people have sent me that they have found interesting, and I invest some time each week going through the week’s accumulation of articles, looking through them, trying to notice patterns. Sometimes such patterns result, which makes my “sorting” job easy, as I tend to blog about stories that several people have noticed and passed along. Other times, the story is so significant, that I have to blog about it, and this very brief, but thought provoking article from The Daily Bell shared by Mr. V.T. and Ms. K.M. is precisely one of those articles, and it concerns modern “art”, and artificial intelligence.

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Chaos Theory, Sacred Geometry, Mind Control

“We’re talking about spiritual matters now. You people, all of you, rely on traditional religions for that. Or you talk about ancient civilizations, as if they hold a key. You refer to the past as if it were a lost cousin. You build one structure after another to produce what you’re programmed to produce: perception that feeds back to you and confirms itself. It’s a loop. You’re locked in. You think you want perfect order, so you discover it. You go around and around. You try to squash rebellion against your order, because it frightens you.” ~The Android

MilkyWayGalaxyOn December 4, 3011, the most advanced computer humans had yet produced, housed in Android 427B, returned from a 50-year exploration of the Milky Way.

NASA Inc. Region 8 breathlessly awaited his final report.

They would be sorely disappointed and shocked.

The Android said:

“If a painting doesn’t reflect back to us what we already know about reality, then what is it?

“If we refuse to believe there is anything beyond what we know, the painting is nothing. It means nothing. It’s a piece of canvas with marks on it. That’s all. There are people who take satisfaction in making exactly such a conclusion.

“There are two ways in which a painting can reflect back what people already know—by showing them a reasonable facsimile of the physical world; and by exhibiting a pattern of harmony, symmetry, and balance that the mind has been conditioned to accept as pleasing, beautiful, correct, proper, and spiritual. All this is mind control. It’s one more system, one more engineered limitation on perception. Continue reading