Ascension Process Symptoms – Incoming Higher Energies

changeAdeana M. Slater – Many of you are feeling the affects of the increased energy on your physical body. Even though this higher energy is ‘cleansing’ all aspects of your being, you will most likely feel the physical more so as this Ascension dial is turned up a few more significant notches as of late. This can definitely feel uncomfortable and unsettling to most.

The symptoms of this Ascension Process is intensifying and again it is reiterated that you ride the tide and go with the flow in order to allow the energies to continue to move you forward as intended.

These higher energies do not only serve to elevate you. This energy is also healing and cleansing. So the physical body may feel this change especially more so, during this time. Just like Mother Gaia and your outer world is experiencing change, so is your physical vessel as it is being upgraded.

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The Disappearing Self

ascension processVidya Frazier – It can get really weird to be part-way through the Ascension process. Aspects of your personality self are falling away. New aspects are emerging, but you may not relate to them yet. And they don’t fit comfortably with the other parts that are in the process of disappearing.

Your life may be shifting dramatically, as well—relationships, your work, your health. It can all be very disorienting. You can feel fractured and unintegrated.

The only way to make sense of these experiences is to understand that part of you is living in a fourth-dimensional reality, with some lingering third-dimensional habit patterns—and part of you is now living in fifth-dimensional reality.

“Not All Here”

I’ve found there are a number of ways in which this transition from one dimension to another can be experienced. The first is to feel the sensation that you’re “not all here”. Somehow, all of you isn’t present. And no matter what you do to bring yourself fully present, it doesn’t happen. You’re only partially conscious somehow. You sense another part of you is somewhere else, but you don’t know where and you can’t get there. And you can’t bring both parts together. Continue reading