August 2017 Energy Report

augustJennifer Hoffman – July’s theme was ‘energetic significance’ and anything that was not going to align with the energy in our life and make a significant contribution to its expansion, versus a significant deduction, was on its way out. This prepared us for August which now expands the theme of ‘energetic significance’ even more and moves us closer to our ascension goals of divine congruence, the theme of 2017 (read the 2017 predictions here). With two strong retrogrades and eclipses, we may feel a little out of control, like we’re taking the corners on two wheels but it’s all in divine order and we’re still in charge and driving the car, as long as we remember to keep the transformation moving forward.

The eclipses and retrogrades of August are highly connected because they repeat signs and degrees. For example, Uranus starts to retrograde at 29 Aries as the Mercury pre-retro shadow period begins at 28 Leo and ends at 28 Leo on September 4, which is also the sign and degree of the August 21 eclipse.

The August 7 eclipse is at 15 Aquarius and Mars, very powerful this month, is at 15 Leo, exactly opposite, on the day Mercury begins its retrograde motion. And the moon’s nodes are in Leo and Aquarius too, adding energy to these powerful  signs that represent creativity and community. While the cult of celebrity has been promoted during the last twenty years, we now want community, collaboration, and connection. Continue reading

August 2015 Energy Report

augustJennifer Hoffman – If I had to sum up August’s energy in one word I’d start with relief, now that July is over. It was a long, tough month that seemed to drag on forever. But everything we overcame helped us set new energy boundaries, opened new avenues of potential, and cleared a lot of debris from our individual and collective realities. August starts with a full moon and Venus retrograde, which indicates endings are stronger than beginnings. Saturn is also closing out a 33 year cycle, and a larger 99 year cycle is ending. Also, all of the personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) change sign this month so the collective energy is moving now. The ascension train has left the station and is gaining steam. Remember that endings and beginnings overlap, so be aware of the beginnings that arise as you’re disconnecting from what no longer serves you because they’re happening at the same time.

August has a very spiritual element to its energy, and this doesn’t have to do with spirituality or religion, but the power and energy of spirit, the divinity portal which is the gateway to the expression of our multi-dimensionality. We have danced around  this concept for over 30 years and now it’s time to put it into action. The first step isn’t inviting our alien friends to dinner, it’s clearing the blocks to the expression of our divine self within our own belief systems, which we have been doing for many years now. It’s the second step that counts now, which is the question ‘What does it mean to be divine?’ and we find that answer in Jupiter changing signs on August 11.

Jupiter moves from Leo to Virgo this month, which also happened in September 2003. That’s when Archangel Uriel first appeared to me and asked me to work with him — I said ‘no thank you’ at first (then I changed my mind). It’s when we began the real work of ascension and for many of us, me included, it’s when things really hit the fan, so to speak. I have never been as scared, penniless, felt as out of control, helpless, and hopeless as I did at that time. With Jupiter in Virgo in 2003 we became full fledged Martyred Healers and started working to heal the world. We were going to get the world to ascension, no matter what it took. And it took nearly all we had and more. We fully took on the role of Light Workers and nearly worked ourselves to death. That work continues but in a much different way, we turn a corner in August to become shining ‘light beacons.’ Continue reading