The Lockdowns And Their Grim Realities

: Twenty Grim Realities Revealed By LockdownsJeffrey A. Tucker – It’s common now to speak of the before times in contrast to the after times. The turning point was of course March 16, 2020, the day of 15 Days to Flatten the Curve, though authoritarian trends predate that. Rights were suddenly broadly throttled, even religious rights. We were told to conduct every aspect of our lives in accordance with the priorities of the bio-medical security state.

Very few people anticipated such a shocking development. It was the onset of a new state-conducted war and the enemy was something we could not see and hence could be anywhere. No one has ever doubted the omnipresence of potentially dangerous pathogens but now we were being told that life itself depended entirely on avoidance of them and the only guide going forward would be public-health authorities. Continue reading

Defining the Issues

socialismLinda Gommel – Sloppy thinking, resulting in sloppy speech and muddled ideas, pervades the right’s attempts to communicate clearly.  The sloppiness of our conservative commentariat has resulted in severe damage to our side in the battle of ideas being fought in the ongoing war for our culture.

An example: for years, even legendary communicator Rush Limbaugh and others allowed the left to get by with conflating terms like “immigration” and “illegal immigration”, and I would find myself shouting at the radio as we on the Right were smeared as haters, bigots, and anti-immigrant hypernationalists.  Only in very recent times has our side finally clarified the difference and refuted the labels, but the damage is done.

The same sort of thing has happened with the use of the term “socialism.”  That word is bandied about with little regard for its true meaning.  Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are socialists, it is said, as they push the Green New Deal.  The entire Left is sidling up to socialism and turning away from capitalism, appealing to a base of youth victimized by the failure to educate and by the success of leftist indoctrination.  The word is intentionally left fuzzy and ill-defined in order to cause confusion. Continue reading

The Age of Authoritarianism – John Whitehead [Video]

James Corbett – Today we talk to John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute about a pair of recent commentary pieces that he penned, “The Age of Authoritarianism: Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations” and “Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss.”

We discuss the problems of the police state and surveillance state, how it has been allowed to arise by a passive and docile public, and how that public can effectively engage and counteract the abuses of liberty that are now rampant throughout the American body politic.

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