CDC Forced To Admit They Knew Vaccine Preservative Caused Autism

ThimerosalNiamh Harris – The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been forced to admit that a widely used vaccine preservative does in fact cause autism.

The CDC had long insisted that the vaccine preservative thimerosal was not linked to autism. However, after a hundred Freedom of Records Act (FOIA) requests, the CDC has been forced to reveal the once-secret documents, showing that the agency knew that thimerosal caused autism but deliberately hid that evidence from the public

Christina Sarich via Waking Times reports:

With help from PhD Scientist and Biochemist, Brian Hooker, the agency has finally had to reveal that they have known for years that thimerosal, which was banned in 1999, but still used in over 60 vaccines, causes autism. Robert F. Kennedy has been trying to alert the public of the same troublesome findings that Hooker has unveiled, but he is often dismissed, or worse, made into a media fool by the pharmaceutical industry. Continue reading

Genetically modified people: what could go wrong?

John Rappoport – I’ll get to genetically modified people; but first, the background on the grand gene hype and propaganda operation—


genesThe war against cancer has painted a picture of hope: genetic solutions.

This, despite the fact that there are no successful genetic treatments, across the board, for any form of human cancer.

The focus on genes is a diversion from obvious causes of cancer in the environment: industrial chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, food additives, and even pharmaceuticals.

This futile human gene-fix has a direct parallel in food crops: modify plants so they can grow despite drenching them with toxic pesticides. Continue reading

The Criminalization Of Science Whistleblowers: Judy Mikovits, PhD [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – NaturalNews reports on one of the most heartbreaking and upsetting science videos you may see this year: Molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, recounts the story of how she ended up in prison after she blew the whistle on the viral contamination of human vaccines.

Dr. Mikovits had been working at the National Cancer Institute, with a focus on immunotherapy and human retroviruses, including HIV.

In 2009, while working on autism and -related neurological diseases, when she found that many of the study subjects had cancer, motor-neuron disorders and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Believing that a virus was responsible for these symptoms, she worked to isolate the viruses involved in a mouse model. Continue reading

CDC is hopelessly corrupt when it comes to vaccine safety research

ebolaEthan Huff – More damning truths about corruption at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been uncovered by investigators from the World Mercury Project, revealing that the nation’s top public health agency has been actively working alongside criminal elements to hide the facts about the dangers of vaccines.

Information compiled as part of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests made by the World Mercury Project show that CDC officials gave preferential treatment to unscrupulous scientists at Aarhus University in Denmark, including the infamous Poul Thorsen who was exposed for conning American taxpayer dollars in order to manufacture false safety data about the connection between autism and vaccines.

As explained by World Mercury Project board member Brian S. Hooker, who also serves as Science Advisor at the group Focus for Health, the CDC knowingly refused to evaluate the claims made by Thorsen, even after it was revealed that he had basically stolen $1 million in grant money to pocket for himself. Continue reading

Breakthrough Lessons Learned Trying To Heal Kids

mental healthJennifer Giustra-Kozek, LPC, NBCC – By practice, I’m a psychotherapist who has been working for over a decade in the world of mainstream medicine, a body of experience that has allowed me to develop a strong understanding of both its strengths and weaknesses.

But beyond my work, I’m also a mom who fiercely loves her children, and for their sake, when it comes to their health I’ve always explored all available options — an approach that I’m proud to say has led me to find better solutions than any conventional specialist had ever offered.

My work has allowed me to cross paths with a seemingly endless number of psychiatrists and general practitioners, who for the most part have one thing in common: They all see medication as the optimal form of treatment for the vast majority of what they diagnose. This includes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, sleep issues, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Continue reading