Waves of Love

waves of energy churn up foundations
Beams of Love and Light, visual journal, June 3, 2022

Nancy Wallace Ward  Increasing waves of energy are here, churning up foundations from deep within, affecting us on a global, collective level, rocking foundations that were built on greed and control, collapsing old ideologies that can no longer be upheld.

Sometimes I feel like I’m looking out into the world – meaning what humans are up to – with a feeling of shocked numbness, wondering, “What’s next?” There are some people who want to move us backwards, to resist the changes that are happening in human consciousness Continue reading

Cocreating The Template For The Divine Plan In 2021

humanityPatricia Cota Robles – Precious Heart, we at Era of Peace wish you a Love-filled, Peaceful, Healthy and Abundant 2021. The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are rejoicing and expressing Infinite Gratitude over the Life-transforming events that were God Victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Celestial Realms during the last few months of 2020.

During that time, Humanity and Mother Earth received profound Blessings as we passed through several Light-filled Celestial events. These opportunities included Mother Earth’s Planetary Reboot, passing through the Gateways of 11:11 and 12:12, a greatly amplified Lunar and Solar Eclipse, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an exceptionally powerful December Solstice and the Birth of 2021. Continue reading