Old Soul in the New Energy

consciousnessBob Mangroo – Many people have been experiencing unusual bursts of energy and are unsure what to attribute it to.  It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or it might be the energy being sent from the galactic center of our galaxy.

As we look at the world today, it is tempting to think of it as dark and falling apart. We are, however, in a transition process.

Humanity is moving into higher consciousness, and we now have more positive energy on the planet than we have negative. For centuries, we functioned from an old, negative consciousness of war, violence, cruelty, and the need for power. This is now changing. The change may seem slow; but, humanity is shifting toward peace, cooperation, and compassion. Continue reading

The Brilliance that is M/F/G infinitely loving Itself

 awaken into the Brilliance that is M/F/GJohn Smallman – We are One, there is only One, and yet the One constantly manifests Itself – the power and energy that is the One – in myriad uncountable numbers of sentient beings as expressions of Love.

All of us, all life, all consciousness, all awareness, all sentient beings are aspects of and permanently at one with the One.  There is NO SEPARATION, and there never could be because the One is ALL, constantly and eternally Present, just wholeheartedly LOVING! Continue reading

Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be

awakeningJohn Smallman – As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed.

Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time.

This is a time of great change – changes that must be put into effect swiftly and competently, so that the billions living in extreme poverty may be provided with the means to rise out of this intolerable state and live in peace, comfort, and harmony as is the right of every human being without exception.

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Trust your inner guidance, your intuition

awakeningJohn Smallman – Humanity is  awakening!  There are signs of this all across the world as awareness grows that the old ways in which people have become accustomed to interacting with each other are now totally inadequate in the modern world of high technology.

Technology can be used for healing and evolution, or for destruction.  It has, for far too long, been mainly used for the destruction of enemies, whether of a personal, local, national or international nature, and with disastrous consequences.

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The Process Of Awakening Is Harsh

awakeningSimple Capacity – Many people would like to believe that the process of awakening is glorious. That the path is filled with light and they just have to follow it to reach The Divine.

Although many false Gurus might want you to believe that, if you really wish to be awakened, you will have to give up on that notion entirely. Awakening is difficult, it is cruel and messy, and there is no roundabout way to reach that point without getting yourself dirty first.

Without even realizing it, we have been internalizing so many wrongful notions about the world and ourselves. We have become so accustomed to the , believing and recreating lies that we have forgotten where reality ends and the facade begins. And even if we do come to our senses and realize the truth, more often than not, we are unwilling to give up those lies. Continue reading