Comey Had Hillary’s Backup Email Device The Whole Time

hillaryBaxter Dmitry – Former FBI Director James Comey had Hillary Clinton’s definitive backup email device during the entire charade of an investigation into the former Secretary of State, according to court records obtained by Judicial Watch.

If there was anyone doubting that James Comey had absolutely no intention of seriously investigating Hillary Clinton, let alone prosecuting her, then Judicial Watch have just provided them with a big, fat red pill.

Court records show that the Connecticut-based email storage company Datto handed over a “device” consisting of five or six disks to the FBI in October 2015. Insiders believe the device contains “every electronic communication that Hillary Clinton sent or received during her tenure as Secretary of State.”

James Comey spent his entire FBI investigation missing many Hillary Clinton emails and communications, according to the official version of events, and trampling on the rule of law. He played the fool and did not tell the public that he had access to every single email sent and received by the former Secretary of State. Continue reading