Superbug discovered in America that resists ALL known antibiotics

chemicalsMike Adams – It’s always interesting to study how civilizations collapse and eras of seemingly great human ingenuity come crashing to an end. Since the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Flemming in 1928, the chemical medicine industry has promised humanity that all our ills will be cured by prescription medications. We’ve been promised that cancer, diabetes, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s will all be cured once the pharmaceutical industry finally discovers the correct chemicals for treatment. But today, we’ve come to realize that Big Pharma’s chemicals aren’t curing us… they’ve just DOOMED us.

Superbugs are antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They’re immune to Big Pharma’s chemicals, in other words, and they come into existence because of the over-prescription of existing antibiotics. If you attack bacteria with chemicals for long enough, the bacteria develop biological immunity to the chemical. It happens automatically, and it’s part of Mother Nature’s survival problem solving at the cellular level. The problem, of course, is that it only takes one mutation to render an entire antibiotic drug obsolete.

As bacteria become more and more resilient to Big Pharma’s toxic chemicals, the medical efficacy of antibiotic drugs collapses, one by one. Big Pharma’s chemicals fall like dominoes, overrun by the molecular ingenuity of Mother Nature. To prevent a “superbug apocalypse,” drug companies and hospitals have kept one chemical in reserve: colistin, a “last ditch defense” against superbugs. This is the drug that’s used when everything else fails… it’s the very last option when a patient is being literally eaten alive by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

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Bacteria Resistant to ALL Antibiotics Now in the United Kingdom

Bacteria Julie Fidler – First it showed up in China, then Denmark and now it has reared its ugly head in the United Kingdom. Bacteria resistant to all forms of antibiotics are making their way around the globe.

Chinese health officials announced in late November that bacteria containing the MCR-1 gene had been discovered in livestock as well as 1,322 hospitalized patients. Then, the same pathogen was discovered in Denmark when a patient in one of the nation’s hospitals was diagnosed with an untreatable form of salmonella.

The superbugs were also detected in Africa, and are believed to have traveled to Laos and Malaysia. Experts say they likely got to Britain via global travel and food imports.

The bacteria have since made their way into England on 3 farms and in samples of human infections.

The MCR-1 gene is “mobile DNA” that can be easily copied and transferred between different bacteria, making it easy for it to spread and diversify between bacterial populations, Scientific American explained in a December 19 article.

The gene makes infections resistant to all polymyxin antibiotics, including colistic, which are the last line of defense when all other antibiotics have failed. [1]

The fear is that MCR-1 could transfer to other bacteria and turn them into superbugs, too.

Experts have been warning that untreatable infections could create an “antibiotic apocalypse” that would plunge medicine back into the dark ages. Scientists said humanity was on the brink of just such an era when the drug-resistant bacteria were discovered in China, not knowing how quickly it would cross oceans and infect more animals and people. Continue reading

Who’s Living Whom? Bacterial Cells vs. Human Cells in the Body

Kombucha tea

Makia Freeman – The bacterial-human cell ratio in the body is quite astounding, if you didn’t already know it. Did you realize that the amount of bacteria in your body vastly outnumber everything else?The bacterial-human cell ratio is estimated to be around 10:1! That means for every human cell in your body, there are roughly 10 bacterial cells. So who’s living whom? Who’s in charge? It’s certainly not the human “you”, because you only have one eleventh of the numbers (although human cells are far larger and heavier). The bacterial-human cell ratio reaffirms the importance of having a healthy bio-terrain (i.e. having the right balance of, and an abundance of, healthy bacteria in your body), which is what many alternative and holistic healing modalities teach. Ultimately, it also lends weight to the idea that it is your body’s bio-terrain or inner environment that determines your state of health and immunity – not whether you are exposed to a particular bacterium or virus as is the prevailing view in Western Medicine.

You Need Bacteria!

Right from the moment we are born, we start to collect bacteria; mostly from our mothers, but also from putting anything we see into our mouths. These bacteria or microbiomes make their way into our stomach and intestines where they set up camp. It is though that there are over 500 species living in the guts of an average adult, and the majority belong to two phyla, the Firmicutes (such as Staphylococcus and Clostridium) and the Bacteroidetes. Just as the Human Genome Project was an attempt to map the entire human genome, the Human Microbiome Project is an ongoing attempt to map, identify and comprehend the complex web of bacteria residing in the human body. Continue reading

How Contact Lenses ‘Permanently Alter’ 5,000 Strains of Eye Bacteria

Robert Harrington – It really is common sense that when you cover the eyes with a synthetic plastic lens, a whole new environment could be created both on and in the eye. The preceding headline indicates just how much the naturally occurring bacterial flora (also known as the eye microbiome) in the eye changes.

With the introduction of contact lenses on top of the eye, the interaction between the plastic material and the eye conjunctiva sets up a much more conducive environment for eye infections to occur.

“Researchers used genetic testing to find out exactly what was present, and said the discovery could explain why contact lens wearers are far more susceptible to eye infections.” [1]

While the predictable results of this study are quite self-evident, millions of lens-wearers are seemingly indifferent to the eye infections which inevitably develop. The eyes are full of extremely delicate structures and fragile tissues which should be protected. And yet many people are quite casual about putting something in them which will put them at risk.

Why are there over 5000 strains of bacteria that live in the eye in the first place?

There is a whole biological science that is dedicated to the study of body bacteria. It hypothesizes that the human body is actually an amalgam of billions of bacteria working harmoniously to perform myriad tasks without which the human body could not survive for very long. Continue reading

New Altered Bacteria Can Convert Sunlight Into Liquid Fuel

LeafAlternativeEnergySourceWe have been looking for alternative fuel sources for years! Now, scientists have discovered that certain bacteria can take hydrogen molecules that have been split from water using the energy of the sun, and convert them to alcohol based fuel.

Researcher have now paired a solar-powered catalyzing device with genetically engineered bacteria to convert water and carbon dioxide into fuel. The system has been dubbed the bionic leaf!

The process, which is modeled after the way plants use photosynthesis to turn CO2, H20 and other compound into energy, with some chemical twists, of course. The ‘artificial leaf’ is the silicon cell that can produce the energy using nothing but sunlight and water. The leaf is steeped in water, and when the sunlight comes down, it spits the water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules that can then be stored as an energy source. This is the same thing a natural leaf does, except it works ten times faster than nature!

“With a single gallon of water (3.7 litres), Nocera says, the chip could produce enough electricity to power a house in a developing country for an entire day,” “Provide every house on the planet with an artificial leaf, and we could satisfy our 14-terrawatt need with just one gallon of water a day.” Continue reading