Bananas: 4 Reasons They Are Gaining The Title Of “Superfood”

NaturalSociety  October 31 2013

There are many contenders out there for the title of “the perfect food”, and bananas are just one that has been associated with this rank. It could be because they are highly portable and come in their own biodegradable wrapper, or it could have something to do with all of the health benefits. While you may prize avocados or berries more, bananas certainly deserve a role in your life.

1. One of the most well-known nutrients in bananas is potassium (though there are many foods rich in potassium even more so than a banana). Still, it is one of the best recognized sources of potassium, with 467 mg per banana and only 1 mg of sodium. Numerous studies have found potassium to reduce blood pressure, protect against the hardening of the arteries, prevent strokes, boost bone health, and boost overall heart health.

2. Bananas also have antacid effects, protecting the stomach from ulcers and their subsequent damage. They work by creating a thicker mucus barrier within the stomach to protect against acids. Also, they help eliminate bacteria in the stomach that could lead to ulcers. Continue reading