Money, Usury And Humanity

The Jeenyus Corner | September 27 2012

BarterMoney is a representation of time and space, which on the gradation of reality, puts it somewhere in between the tooth fairy and a refrigerator.  It’s been described as a bartering tool, a method, or a tangible item like gold.  Money operates to standardize the value of production and exchange.  When you produce a good or service and then exchange it for a different but equal good or service (which in and of itself represents time, space, or energy) money names that transaction.

Usury is a different beast altogether.  I came up with (or more accurately, consciousness bubbled up to me) ANTI USURY as the theme for weeGlobal nearly a year ago.  The Fifth Page researches things in need of exposure, not yet settled.  The weeLearn page explores how to get the the Fifth Page.  And once you’ve dug past the Fifth page of questions, you’ll be well on your way to thoughts of anti-usury.

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