Top 5 Ways To Practice Non-Conformity In The Matrix

Waking Times March 11 2013

BehaviorThe human mind is easily programmed, and human behavior is largely autonomous once the sub-conscious has a suggestion of what to do.

By default, people seem inclined to conform to the ideas, environment and behaviors around them, at least as a means of survival and of fitting in.

Unless an individual takes charge of their own mind and their own behavior, most people are content to follow along with what other people are doing, even if that means doing something self-destructive.

As we grow, we learn how to play and interact with others, and we learn how others react to us. We begin to develop an understanding of which behavior is acceptable and which is not, and if we are paying attention, we realize that there is a subtle system of rewards and punishments involved in social interaction. Adherence to this system is what keeps society together, and depending on what rewards and punishments appeal to us, we choose which ideas and behaviors to conform to and comply with. As a result, different societal roles become open to us.

The new rebel then, the new hero, is someone, anyone, who combats the staleness of a decaying society by looking at the areas in our lives most in need of repair and then, deliberately, does not do what the conformist majority is doing. This is the thoughtful person who applies the knowledge and information we have available today in the pursuit of living in creative ways that defy the herd and defend life and liberty.

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Programming And Conditioning

Divine Trickster | January 6 2013

Excerpt from the book Common sense of Magic

BehaviorYou are programmed to function in a certain way, but you are conditioned by your environment to function in another, and this is what is creating a tension field inside yourself, and in the world.

You are conceived to receive information that you can perceive.

Like a flower, you carry a seed of information, which will naturally unfold if you let it. What you are designed to receive and express of information is determined by the information in your seed; your genetics. The suffering occurs when there is a distortion between what you receive and what you express, and the distortion comes from the way you interpret the information that you receive. How you interpret what you perceive is based on what you havelearned to value and believe to be true in your childhood, which again is conditioned by the cultural environment in which you grow up.

Inside the womb you have a perfect DNA – the quantum instructions of your design – ready to go. When you take your first breath the concept of time and space is born. I am here and you are there. You are no longer entangled with your mother, but have become a separate individual ready to explore your creation. Your mother feeds you and teaches you everything with her boundless affection, love and concern. Your father becomes your second teacher and does also offer his affection, love and concern in boundless measure. Family situations may not be, as we know, as glorious as described here, but it is nevertheless the most wished for and natural way in which you are brought into this world. Your first teachers are of equal value and of equal importance.

In later years you become a student and you will learn many subjects from many teachers. You will eventually get an education and some work experience and become a man of knowledge. All these years may have brought you what you have worked for; satisfaction, more satisfaction and a deeper and more fulfilling satisfaction.

But in spite of that, you may experience a vague restlessness inside, as if there is something more to life than what you have yet discovered. You have got earth knowledge, you may have become an authority on a particular subject, you may know how to behave in various settings and you may even be financially wealthy.

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