Free to be

freeThe Angels – Each one of you is free in each and every moment of your lives. We know you don’t always feel this way. You say, “I want to go on vacation and I can’t afford it.” “I want to help this person but I don’t have the means.” “I want to speak my mind but I’d lose my job.” “I want to walk away from a relationship but I can’t support myself.” “I want to know I will be secure but I’m not in control of the politics.” “I’d like to rest, but my holiday to-do list is way too long.” The list goes on…

However this is not the type of freedom that we are talking about. You may not be free to “do” certain things in your life, but you are always free to “be” whomever you want in any given moment of time. You are free to be filled with faith and love, kindness, hope, and inspiration, or you’re free to ignore those realities and focus on being victimized, upset, harried, hurried or fearful.

You get to choose. And by choosing who you are “being” you begin to create your experience. Who you are being sends out a beacon of energy to the universe that says, “This is who I am and this is who I want the world to reflect back to me.” So if you send out a vibration that says, for example, “I am a loving person worthy and deserving of love in return,” you’ll receive that vibration back.

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