Go Within

Sound Beings  December 12 2013

SoundBeing1“There is no other, no Guru; there is YOU . YOU are all there is, rather, ALL there is. It can sometimes be easy to confuse detachment with not caring; you are here to practice responsible detachment, and loving action. They are the Yin and YANG . For millenia beings upon this plane have not embraced their power, they have given responsibility and ownership to an outside being / an outside source/ something considered as separate to themselves; unloving deeds have been and continue to be committed in the name of another, some EXTERNAL and unconnected entity ; nothing external from you exists as we ARE ALL ONE.

Each one of you is ALL; each one of you is creator and destroyer. There is no harmony in acting from a place of non responsibility; whenever you say ” that person made me do this” or ” My ” master / my teacher / my god says I must / must not do this or that” you are not being harmonious UNLESS you FEEL within your heart that YOU are doing , that you are BEING the right thing. You must acknowledge ownership of your actions and feelings. You must be and act in harmony and love.

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