The Belief Effect In Psychokinesis – Psychics, Skeptics And Science

“Belief is a creative act. In the laboratory of life we can observe this by the fact that disbelievers, on average, experience very little of “the paranormal,” while the more open-minded (not necessarily believers) tend on average to have much more such experience.” – B D Murphy

Repeated ignorant or stubborn denial of the existence of certain powers does not keep them from existing — except for us! ~ Harold M. Sherman

Goat, Sheep or Jackass?

ManThoughtWavesHave you ever noticed how closed-minded skeptics rarely if ever have any experiences with the siddhis (psychic faculties) or “the paranormal” in general?

Soviet research into psychokinesis involving Nina Kulagina demonstrated qualitatively that a skeptic’s mere presence does have an effect on a psychic’s ability to function properly. Hence, with a closed minded skeptic (CMS) or several in the room, or otherwise involved in the experiment, a psychic is more likely to “fail”, thus “proving” the CMS right (at least in his own narrow reality tunnel). It is a case of self-fulfilling prophecy.

New-science researcher and film maker David Wilcock has suggested that if consciousness creates all known energy, can manipulate matter, and is ultimately a vibrational movement of aetheric/zero point energy, then the level of consciousness, intelligence, or love present is directly proportional to the vibrational speed of aether/torsion in that locality. Higher speeds invite higher degrees of intelligence and/or love because there is then more energy available, meaning will has more fuel for exerting effects on “external” systems.[1]

Dr. Valerie Hunt’s research in Infinite Mind showed a correlation between auric frequencies and the “level” of consciousness occupied by the individual. Healers, mediums and mystics showed higher frequencies in their electromagnetic fields than others not of those categories, illustrating that those possessed of “higher” consciousness are, in some sense, literally “on a higher frequency.” Those fixated on or believing solely in “material reality” exhibited lower dominant frequencies and were bereft of the higher. Continue reading

Recognizing Truth In 5 Steps

“Paying attention to the way your body and spirit respond to Truth can become a very powerful personal tool from which to move through life. By attuning our physical, mental and emotional self to Truth, we grow in self-trust, as we no longer need to look outside ourselves for answers.” – L Young

mysticTourist_truthHow do you recognize and trust what is Truth? With so much conflicting information available to us on every imaginable topic, how do you discern what is Truth, what is fabricated, or just confused half truths?

Here are 5 simple steps to recognizing truth.

1. Go to the Source

The easiest way is to go to Source.

Truth is actually an energy, a formula and a principle of Source. Before it is articulated into specific information or “fact”, it is an energy and a specific frequency. Because it is an energy, it can bypass the human mind and organically be registered by the body and spirit for confirmation. Many times we “feel” the Truth of something and cannot even explain it. We just “know” it is right.

The more you are connected to Source, the easier it becomes to recognize TRUTH. It plugs you directly into the main power hub of its distribution throughout our Universe, free of any human interpretation or manipulation. It re-aligns you directly with the Truth of your Divine Self and Blueprint. By calibrating ourselves to this Divine hook-up, it is immensely easier to know and recognize Truth. Continue reading

Julian Wash ~ Why Intelligent People Fear The Truth

“When I reflect on the events of 9/11, I see a whole lot of chess playing. This was a carefully orchestrated game indeed. And while I’m not prepared to point fingers at any particular group or organization, I am aware of the “sacrificial” pieces that were set in play. They weren’t queens or knights, pawns or rooks— they were skyscrapers.” J Wash

JumpOffCliffToday I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that bargains with uncertainty and finds comfort in denial. Every so often we must deal with an unpleasant truth we wish would just go away. Sometimes the truth can be very shocking and we find ourselves inadequately prepared to handle it. That’s when denial comes to the rescue— and what can’t be denied can always be rationalized away.

Perhaps we take for granted our gift of expression and ability to interface in such a complex world. It’s a wondrous thing really. Our curiosity and appetite for adventure are tempered only by the fear of death. We fancy ourselves as intrepid beings willing to brave most any course and face the great unknown. Be this as it may, there are limits. There are places where even the most courageous will dare not venture.

In the following paragraphs I intend to wrestle on a pair of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes that are way too tight. You see they’re stylish, expensive and give a good impression. The blister forming on my big toe is of no consequence. I need only convince myself that it’s me and not the shoe that’s the problem. As usual, I’ll put on my best face and it’s off to the party I go.

Ignorance is Bliss

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Belief Systems And The Power Of Authority

“Spirituality is also a belief system albeit a personal one. This means you’re the authority of it. You are not relinquishing your power to another. It does not suggest your belief is the right one or the only one. It does however suggest that you have found a belief that serves your needs—and that’s powerful indeed.”  J Wash

ManKeyholePurpleRattlerReport ~ Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that adheres to the abstract nature of belief. Beliefs come in many shapes and sizes and yet all share something in common— they’re elusive and intangible.

Although we cannot “touch” a belief, it certainly has a way of touching us. Our belief modifies the way we think, how we act and feel. I take my tinfoil hat off to those who invented this system of social order so many moons ago. What a concept indeed. Imagine sitting around a stone-age conference table discussing this idea. I surely would have laughed it off. “You mean you can get people to accept something as truth even if it’s not real? C’mon man. I tell you what’s real— something called fire! Now that’s something you can believe in!”

Oh my, how I would have missed the boat. Not only did the concept grow legs, it sprouted wings. Turns out everyone wants to believe in something. For one thing it’s kind of fun. What would Christmas be like without Santa Clause? For another it makes us feel special somehow. But how does one find truth in a belief? The answer is really quite simple. We pretend.

In the following paragraphs I’ll take a somewhat playful (if not cynical) look at some of the hermetically-sealed belief systems that dominate in our lives. There’s a circuitous path one must navigate that divides our place of knowing from a world of make-believe. This trail can get a little precarious and downright slippery at times. So let’s saddle up our loyal mustangs and see where they take us. These majestic creatures are sure-footed, certain and most graceful in their stride. More than that, I sense they may know something we have forgotten.

Born to Run

This I can tell you about the mustang— they were born to run and we were born to ride. Where the trail ends, a new one begins and the sights and sounds are something to behold. The rider learns the way of the horse and the horse the way of the rider. It’s a relationship of balance and harmony. There’s a transfer of energy from one entity to another as our thoughts begin to roam free with wild abandon and the mustang gently restrains in courtesy of the saddle. On this journey, it’s not where you go— but where it takes you. Continue reading

Jelaila Starr ~ Healing The Root Of Cancer

Nibiruan Council  May 27 2014

“Flames are symbolic of rage; the brighter and more intense the flames, the more intense and toxic the stored rage.” J. Starr

BeliefThis week’s topic is shared with a heavy heart.  Ellen, (not her real name) was recently informed by her doctor that she is dying of cancer and has only 3 months to live.  After traditional medical protocols failed, and not yet ready to call it quits, Ellen had decided to seek alternative solutions. With so many options available, she wanted her Guides to help her determine the best way to proceed.

When I tuned in to her guides, asking for answers, I was not given any.  Instead, I was shown a woman standing in a pillar of flames.  Hmmm….

Reluctant to share this vision, yet mindful of my agreement to do so I revealed what I was given.  “Ellen, I said, “Your Guides didn’t give me answers about treatment; instead they showed me a vision.  Do you want to know what it is?”

“Yes, of course.” Ellen replied.

“The vision is of a woman standing in a pillar of flames.” I responded.  Continuing on I said, “The feeling I get from that is one of helpless rage.  Does that make sense to you and if so, why?” I asked.

Ellen proceeded to tell me how she has spent many years in politics, working in Washington DC and on Capitol Hill.  A passionate advocate for freedom, Ellen was easily provoked to rage when she learned of yet another way the government was destroying our country and stealing our liberty.  Ellen, in her own words said she was obsessed with this fight.

Listening to her talk about how upset she was about the government, and feeling the anger rise as she did so, the vision from her guides now made perfect sense.  Continue reading