Madness Incorporated: Are psychiatric diagnoses real? [Video]

psychiatric disordersFrom depression to bipolar disorder, we think psychiatric diagnoses are real. Yet many now argue that categories of mental illness have little basis in nature. Is it time to abandon psychiatry and its classifications? Would this usher in a new era of effective health care or cause widespread harm?

The Panel: Richard Bentall, Dinesh Bhugra, David Healy. Ritula Shah hosts.

President elect of the World Psychiatric Association Dinesh Bhugra, radical psychiatrist David Healy and clinical psychologist Richard Bentall debate the future of psychiatry.


Panelists – are psychiatric diagnoses real?

Richard Bentall is a clinical psychologist and author of Doctoring the Mind and Madness Explained, Richard Bentall is a leading critic of biological explanations of mental illness and the pharmaceutical industry. He teaches at the University of Liverpool.

Dinesh Bhugra President of the World Psychiatric Association, Dinesh Bhugra is professor of mental health at the Institute of Psychiatry, KCL specialising in cross-cultural psychiatry.

David Healey is Professor in Psychological Medicine and known for criticising a lack of neutrality regarding psychotropic drugs and his role in ‘Toronto Affair’ over academic freedom.

Ritula Shah is a regular presenter of The World Tonight and PM, she was Media Professional of the Year at the 2011 Asian Women of Achievement Awards.

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SF Source AIA-TV  Nov 5 2014