4 Great Foods For Preserving Eye Health, Reversing Vision Loss

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts are relatively common vision problems in older adults. Often it’s just assumed that we will suffer from some vision loss as we age due to conditions like these, but that’s not always the case. You can prevent eye disease and keep your vision healthy.

The following 4 foods may be able to help stave off vision loss while promoting overall eye health.

1. Bilberries

BilberriesYou don’t see bilberries around as often as blueberries, though they are closely related. They are more common in northern and central Europe than they are in the U.S., though there is clear evidence they may be worth growing for vision health if nothing else.

study published in Advances in Gerontology in 2005 found that rats with macular degeneration and early senile cataracts suffered no impairment to their lens and retina when given 20 mg of bilberry extract per kilo of body weight. Those rats in the control group, however, suffered degeneration.

2. Kale

KaleKale and other leafy greens are loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, which are incidentally also found in high concentrations in your macula. Your macula is the small part in the middle of your retina responsible for much of your vision. Research indicates getting 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin each day could assist in preserving eye health.

Both of these carotenoids can also be found in orange and yellow vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, and squash. Continue reading