Debt Cancellation Is The Best Way To Take Down Bilderberg

Video Rebel – The Bilderberg Society will be meeting from June 11th to the 14th at the Interalpen hotel near the Austrian town of Telfs. It will follow the G-7 Summit at the Elmau castle in the Bavarian Alps on June 7th and 8th.  The two sites are less than an hour’s drive away. The photo below would bilderbergindicate that demonstrations outside the 2015 Bilderberg meeting will not be successful. But what good are demonstrations anyway? Why not use Worldwide Debt Cancellation to defeat the Bilderberg Society and undo their power over us?

I will begin with a quote from previous essays:

The Fundamental Fact of Your Existence as a modern man or woman is that the bankers of New York and London want to reduce you to Debt Slavery.

Accept that fact and move on to the solution.

That is their plan for you.

What is your plan for them? Continue reading

Economic Apocalypse And The Transnational Power Elite [Video]

“These organizations–the Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Grove–they’re not the power centers of anything really. They’ve had an important role to play in the past, especially Bilderberg, but much less so today as its role has been diminished. Today these organizations, they’re basically conveyor belts of opportunities. The real decision making process is done at a much higher level.” – Memory Hole blog

Daniel Estulin

Investigative journalist and bestselling author Daniel Estulin is this week’s guest on Real Politik. Based in Spain, Mr. Estulin is renowned for his reportage and research on the transnational power elite, whose agendas and deliberations greatly influence the trajectory of global economic and political events. His book, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (2005), is an international bestseller that has been translated into over 40 languages. He has recently been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for this and related journalistic work.

Estulin’s research has led him to conclude that the true rulers are not elected. Rather, they effectively vet and choose those vying for public office who will carry out broader agendas beyond public view. “Many years ago,” he recalls, “when I began researching these people I came across them by chance. I asked myself a fairly simple question, ‘If presidents and prime ministers of countries don’t really have much to say in terms of real body politics, then who runs the world from behind the scenes?”

The Bilderberg Group itself dates to the immediate post-World War Two era.

It was a very important element of the oligarchical structures of the Cold War period. That in and of itself is a pretty significant factor because what it meant was that it was one of the vehicles through which private financier oligarchical interests were able to impose their policies over what were nominally sovereign governments. The biggest scandal part of this whole Bilderberg organization is that it was heavily populated by people who came out of the World War Two Nazi apparatus and who were basically cleaned up, dusted off, and deployed to become a hardcore of the Cold War anti-Soviet structures in the West.

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Stephen Lendman ~ Bilderberg June 6 – 9 Conference

googleIts four-day meeting occurs annually. It’s a rite of spring. British political economist Will Hutton calls the group the “high priests of globalization.” Powerful movers and shakers have their own agenda.

They discuss key issues. They do it year round. Once annually they meet face-to-face. They plot strategy to exploit the world’s riches. They want them for themselves. They try to keep meeting dates, locations, and issues to be discussed secret.

Word gets out. It’s official. Britain’s five-star Grove Hotel is this year’s venue. It’s a Hertfordshire, England hotel resort. It calls itself “London’s cosmopolitan country estate.”

It’s 18 miles from London. It’s 30 minutes from Heathrow Airport. It’s ideal for secluded meetings. Great pains are taken to keep journalists, activists, and other uninvited guests away.

On May 13, Infowars reporters Paul Joseph Watson and Jon Scobie visited the Grove Hotel. They claim to have “groundbraking” information.

Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt is a regular Bilderberg attendee. Watson and Scobie said his company is “merging” with Bilderberg.

“Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference, which has been based at the Grove since 2007, immediately precedes the Bilderberg Group conference by a matter of days.”

“Backed up by prior research, we were able to confirm in conversations with hotel managers and others that the Grove is now a central base for Google’s agenda to control the global political and technological landscape.”

Bilderberg’s “being recast as ‘Google-Berg’ – partly because of efforts on behalf of activists to tear away the veil of Bilderberg’s much cherished secrecy, and partly as a means of re-branding authoritarian, undemocratic secret gatherings of elites as trendy, liberal, feel-good philanthropic-style forums like Google Zeitgeist and TED.”

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James P. Tucker Jr. ~ One-World Mouthpieces Continue Slandering Iran, Pushing War

American Free Press March 14 2013

Gold fringed mercantile flag in background

President Obama, who takes dictation from Bilderberg, has done an about-face. After having been critical of Israel’s expansionist wars in the past, he is visiting Israel for the first time March 20 to grovel apologies.

“This trip is a signal that the president has an interest in . . . the broader concerns that Israel is facing,” said Dennis Ross, a Bilderberg luminary and senior Middle East adviser in Obama’s first term. “It will be the president traveling to Israel to ask for a new beginning.” (He will also be “asking” for a Middle East war.)

In June 2009, Obama said “the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements” in Palestinian lands after the 1967 invasion of Egypt and Golan heights. Obama had also been critical of Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestinian land, including killing and torturing men, old women and children. Now, Obama is embracing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and increasing aid to Israel. These heads of state will discuss military attacks on Iran to prevent the development of “nuclear weapons.”

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Mark Anderson ~ Washington Post Finally Breaks ‘Bilderberg’ Silence After Decades of Censorship

American Free Press | June 8 2012

CHANTILLY, Virginia—The Washington Post—whose top managers have long attended the hyper-exclusive Bilderberg Conferences each year and were thanked by Bilderberg leaders for never reporting on the conference—broke decades of silence and gave a respectable reporton Bilderberg 2012 on the front of its Metro section June 2.

“Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates were chauffeured in.” the story in the  Post noted, adding, “Outside the [security] barriers, dozens of protesters and conspiracy theorists—convinced that Bilderberg is a global cabal [of about 120 key members] that runs the world—waved signs and shouted into bullhorns.”

And while the approximately 626-word Post story downplayed Bilderberg’s power and influence, the clunky article revealed that Washington lobbyist Vin Weber, “who has been a presenter at Bilderberg twice,” is an advisor to GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

The Post article also acknowledged that Donald E. Graham, the Washington Post Company’s board chairman and chief executive, is “on the invitation list” for Bilderberg 2012. But the fact is that Graham has attended for many years, yet until now there has been no known Post coverage of Bilderberg gatherings.

That the Post was finally covering Bilderberg first became evident when Post photographer Mark Gail showed up near the front gate of the stately Westfields Marriot hotel June 1, to cover what became a four-day demonstration of hundreds of boisterous protesters whose passionate message gave the arriving Bilderberg attendees something to think about—while these pampered plutocrats, as always, holed themselves up in a posh hotel behind a tight security perimeter, complete with armed guards.

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