Clinton Foundation A Cesspool Of Corporate Poisoners, Junk Food Companies, And Pushers Of Vaccines And GMOs

clinton foundationMike Adams – If you think electing Hillary Clinton as president will somehow bring about anything other than business as usual in Washington, there’s some beachfront property in Colorado with your name on it. Nearly every top donor to the Clinton Foundation that actively lobbied Hillary’s State Department is connected to pharmaceuticals, vaccines, junk food, globalization, chemicals, oil and biotechnology, which means more business as usual should this criminal gain access to the Oval Office.

This link outlines 181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary’s State Department. As you’ll notice, the top contributors include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is on record as wanting to see every child in the world jabbed with dozens of vaccines; the Walmart corporation, which is the world’s leading supplier of Chinese-made consumer crap; Coca-Cola, one of the top contributors to the diabetes epidemic; Goldman Sachs, which profited heavily from the central bank-caused housing collapse; and many other corporate players.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in fact, is the top contributor to the Clinton Foundation, having dispensed at least $26 million since it began, according to official records. This is noteworthy because the Gates clan is a heavy promoter of not only vaccines but also genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), which it claims will “cure hunger” in Africa. The Gates Foundation also has major investments in both Cargill and Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation.

This is clearly a major conflict of interest as Hillary aims to become top dog in the land of the free-for-all, where citizens are given the best government money can buy. If she is elected as president, Hillary will have an obligation to repay her corporate donors for their services, which will mean an even more powerful fascist-ocracy that pushes drugs, vaccines and junk food on the masses. Continue reading

Gates Foundation/CFR Propaganda Against ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Movement Backfires

GreenMedInfo  January 27 2014

“It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth – that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda.” ~ Harry Browne

Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji

The war against so-called ‘vaccine preventable’ diseases has a new frontier: the internet, and most recently The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) has entered the fray with the publication of an interactive map that it claims “visually plots global outbreaks of measles, mumps, whooping cough, polio, rubella, and other diseases that are easily preventable by inexpensive and effective vaccines.”  This widely referenced map generated news headlines such as:

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How The Rockefeller Foundation Quietly Funded The Anti-Fertility Vaccine

TruthstreamMedia  January 11 2014


Author Jurriaan Maessan stumbled upon some very compelling and important research back in 2010 while digging through annual reports for the Rockefeller Foundation that conclusively prove that it funded numerous research projects into the development “anti-fertility” vaccines, with its origins in scientific research dating back to at least 1968, and with successful research conducted by at least 1988. There now exists several methods to sterilize both men and women by injection, as well as to terminate pregnancies and/or induce spontaneous abortions.

This is highly significant research because the Rockefeller family, dating back to oil baron John D. Rockefeller, has been on the cutting edge of financing Eugenics policy and research. Rockefeller and other primarily Anglo elites based in the U.S. East Coast and England fostered /festered a whole paradigm of social policy centered around the quack science that asserted that the superiority of some gene stocks over others was provable, while seeking various ways to reduce the populations of the “lesser” genetic groups of the world.

EUGENICS SPECIAL: Global Extermination Database Exposed Continue reading

Bill Gates And GMO Cronies Plan $30 Million Seed Vault While Poisoning The Planet

The Daily Sheeple July 9 2013

Bill Gates has been listed by Forbes as one of the world’s richest men, so when he makes plans to do something, people take note. Bill’s Microsoft money allowed him to build the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with a huge $34.6 billion endowment and the ability to spend more than $1.5 billion annually on ‘charitable’ expenditures. This is partially what allows them to maintain a tax-free, charitable organization status. Warren Buffet has gifted him shares of Berkshire Hathaway to the tune of $30 billion. The Gates have more money than entire nations. Their budget is bigger than the entire yearly budget for the World Health Organization overseen by the United Nations.

Some of that ‘hard earned’ money is going into a new project, and it isn’t to build schools in Africa, to reduce poverty in urban cities in the US, or to build new infrastructure like solar powered city lights. Bill Gates is spending $30 million in a remote place called Svalbard, a barren rock near the Barents Sea about 1,100 kilometers from the North Pole to build a seed bank.

Along with him, pals from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Monsanto corporation, the Government of Norway, the Syngenta Foundation, and others are building a ‘doomsday seed bank’ officially named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

This explanation of their modus operandi comes from their website directly:

Ensuring that the genetic diversity of the world’s food crops is preserved for future generations is an important contribution toward the reduction of hunger and poverty in developing countries. This is where the greatest plant diversity originates and where the need for food security and the further development of agriculture is most urgent.

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Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Agenda 21 Population Reduction Policy

The Intel Hub | | October 4 2012

On October 2nd a retired demographer at the World Bank admitted that vaccination campaigns are an integral part of the World Bank’s population policies. John F. May, the Bank’s leading demographer from 1992 to 2012, told the French web journal Sens Public (and in turn transcribed by the think-tank May works for) that vaccination campaigns, especially in so-called “high-fertility countries”, are means to achieve population reduction in those countries. May:

Ban Ki-moon“The means used to implement population policies are “policy levers” or targeted actions such as vaccination campaigns or family planning to change certain key variables.”

Defining “population policy” as “a set of interventions implemented by government officials to better manage demographic variables and to try to attune population changes (number, structure by age and breakdown) to the country’s development aspirations”, May continues to explain that the World Bank is taking up the lead role in achieving general population reduction.

It is not the first time that World Bank officials boast about their willingness to implement strict population control policies in the Third World. In its 1984 World Development Report, the World Bank suggests using “sterilization vans” and “camps” to facilitate its sterilization policies for the third world.

The report also threatens nations who are slow in implementing the bank’s population policies with “drastic steps, less compatible with individual choice and freedom.”:

“Population policy has a long lead time; other development policies must adapt in the meantime. Inaction today forecloses options tomorrow, in overall development strategy and in future population policy.

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