GMO Food Has Been Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed

biofortificationSean Adl-Tabatabai – GMO food is harmful to human health. Genetically modified organisms, when fed to humans, cause serious health problems including cancer.

So what does Monsanto, the leading producer of genetically engineered seeds, do about this silent killer? It quietly rebrands the term ‘GMO’ with the new more obscure term ‘biofortified’ to trick consumers into thinking they are not eating food that has been genetically modified.

Natural Blaze reports: There are no power grabs out of reach for Monsanto – they are now attempting the most ridiculous propaganda scheme of all. They are attempting to manipulate definitions under Codex Alimentarius that would allow GMOs to fall under the classification of “biofortified” foods.

Codex is a collection of guidelines, codes and other recommendations relating to foods, food production, and food safety – that were created under the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. If you are thinking this is arbitrary and wondering why our country should pay any attention to such guidelines, you are heading in the right direction… In the late 1990s, consumers feared that their vitamins and supplements would move to prescription-only under Codex guidelines. Continue reading