White Buffalo Calf Woman Part 2

I am the face in the Mirror

blendI am she who breathes with you as you breathe in the hope of a new day.  I am she who gently closes your eyes at the end of a stress-filled day. I am the face in the Mirror and I am the face in the reflection of the hummingbird’s wings.  Look for my face in all life for it is there that I dwell. I am White Buffalo Calf Woman. I come to you as you sit in strength, in power, seeking serenity.

For so long you have kept true being captive.  You have kept her silent, and you have kept her in a state of weeping.  For so long, you have kept your true being in a dungeon in the very bottom  of your heart– afraid to let it out. I ask you to stand fully in your divinity.  You are all such beautiful beings – all different shapes and sizes, colors and personalities.  Throw yourself into the pool of creation and blend with the Mother.  Blend with all the faces of God that shine so brightly.  Blend with the cycles of the moon, of the earth and of your body. Blend with every part of you that you are ashamed of, all your secrets. Enjoy the fullness of your body– for God loves every ounce of flesh that you are.  Do not be ashamed if you are too little, too large or just right. God lives in every ounce of you.  Continue reading