Blood Moon Says: Vote Red!

Blood Moon Says: Vote Red!J. B. Shurk – Election Day begins on November 8 with a total lunar eclipse — the third in the past eighteen months, the second this year, and the last until 2025.  Stretching nearly ninety minutes in length, peak totality occurs around 6 A.M in the East, 5 A.M. in the Midwest, and 3 A.M. on the Pacific Coast.

These celestial occurrences are known as “blood moons” because the bright white moon takes on a coppery-reddish hue.  A red moon to usher in a red wave, perhaps?  It is the moon’s gravity, after all, that gives us the ocean’s tides.  Maybe it can help deliver a red tsunami, too. Continue reading

Eclipse Gateway – 11:11 New Earth Activations

Eclipse Gateway - 11:11 New Earth ActivationsMeg Benedicte – We are currently experiencing transformative Eclipse Gateway Activations! The portal is open until the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus arrives on November 7-8. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 set it all in motion. Scorpio is the sign of alchemy, as we shed layers of false identities and delusion, unhealed trauma, the hidden unconscious self.

While the Eclipse Gateway is active, we are supported in dissolving the hierarchy of ego control within ourselves and in society. It is the heart’s call to become our authentic self. Continue reading