How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!

How to Let Go Of Overwhelm and Deeply Relax!Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much.

The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence. You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you.

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The Game Of ‘Us And Them’

“All we can do is to love everything in our little space without judgement, go inward for the answers to our problems and trust in the divinity, the Christ consciousness that is ours, and we will become the beauty of the lilies in the field.” E Thompson

Tis all a Chequer-board of night and days

Where destiny with men for pieces plays

Hither thither moves, and mates and slays.

And one by one back in the closet lays.

V.49 Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.

There are myriads of articles and videos in the alternative media about the spiritual awakening, the second coming, the shift of ages, protecting the planet, saving this and saving that, and the premise that by waving the magic wand of protest, or sitting crossed legged under a tree chanting some phonetic syllable handed down from somewhere, we can turn our earth into a paradise.

Hello! Did you forget this is a duality?

Time to press the delete buttons in our minds… because the concept of utopia in duality is sheer delusion.

Paradise implies oneness and like it or not, oneness is impossible in a split dimension. Hate will always be present, because it is an aspect of duality, and the opposite polarity to love. This world is created and maintained by a split mind, and there will always be war followed by peace, followed again by war… because that is the programme hard wired into the software we call our body/mind. Continue reading

The Heart And Knowing Mind Of Divine Awareness In The Body

Multidimensional Humanity June 2 2013

borys_heartThe future of humanity is an awakening of heart consciousness.   Within the heart, we open to a higher dimension of our mind that intends, knows, and acts beyond thinking.  Since humanity has been conditioned in a narrow range of fear-based conflict, control, and separation through a dualistic thinking mind, it can seem incomprehensible at the current level of consciousness that we can use intelligence to intend, create, and act on Earth through the mind and body without thinking.  Through a manipulation of the “thinking mind,” humanity has been at once disconnected from the full life of the body and full Divine awareness of our infinite consciousness.

Heart consciousness is our Divine awareness in incarnate form.  Within the heart, we unite a body consciousness with a whole new level and understanding of all aspects of the mind in service of the heart.  The true multidimensional human mind is always expressing in the moment beyond time.  The thinking mind is never in the now because its frequency is a perpetual censor of consciousness.  Therefore, it is always operating from the prior unconscious programming that continues to relive the past and fear the future.  This perpetual censoring device is the anchor for the narrow range of the five physical senses that have been the primary means for decoding and experiencing this reality on Earth for thousands of years.

Beyond the Conditioned Thinking Mind to an Awakening of Infinite Consciousness

It is time to awaken, remember, and be our infinite heart-centered consciousness.  A dense inharmonic conflicting frequency has been infecting and infiltrating the human mind for many thousands of years.  The entire 3D false matrix of fear, conflict, control, and separation has been disrupting the planet and humanity incarnate.  This cultural system works against the harmony, freedom, creativity, and unity of life.  It is time to commit to being who we really are as infinite souls of Divine light, consciousness, energy, and love.  Anything less than pure love and creativity is a level of acceptance of the false ways of being that humanity has been immersed in.

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How Relaxation Creates Financial Receptivity

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher | Enlightened Beings

BodyMindWould you like to receive more financial abundance from the Universe? Would you like to be free from stressful financial issues forever? The secret to becoming Financially Receptive is to embrace a state of relaxation instead of stress about your current financial state. That’s right! The more you relax into and surrender through your current stressful relationship with money, the more your energy field expands and opens, naturally attracting more prosperity into your life.

The energy of relaxation carries a high vibration that instantly shifts you into a receptive state and consequently allows the Universe to fill your request for abundance. On the other hand, when you are stressed, you automatically shut down your manifesting channels, repelling that which you want to manifest. Vibrationally speaking, what you want to attract literally cannot get into your field because the energy of stress blocks it. So relax…really relax…. going infinitely deeper and deeper into it. Allow the feeling of any financial burden to be lifted from your life forever.

“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” ~William James

The good news is that it is easy to relax and feels soooo good to do it! Relaxation is your natural state, and therefore you can effortlessly tap into the part of you that is always relaxed and knows that you are divinely supported. Deep relaxation is something we ALL look forward to, yet how frequently do you give this gift to yourself? Can you simply decide to let yourself relax more than ever before this month? When you MAKE TIME to relax you open up your field to receiving more abundance from the Universe.

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