Crash of Biblical Proportions Likely in 2016 [Video]

polny Greg Hunter – Market cycle analyst Bo Polny says don’t bet on the U.S. dollar or the stock market to hold their value in 2016. Polny contends, “The dollar is going down with the stock market.  It did in December of 2015.  It did in August of 2015, and the dollar is falling right now again.  As soon as the stock market gets started to the downside, the dollar is going to go with it again.  So, the dollar is going to go down with the stock market with this next meltdown.

What’s going to end up happening when they hit the cycle low is what they did the last low (2009) and had QE 3.  Guess what, that’s going to mean (in the next crash) QE 4.  Then, that will mean they will be printing money like crazy.

Let’s say there is a 20% drop on the dollar, even 10%.  Everybody goes to sell the bonds.  If the 10-year is only giving 1.7% yield, if the dollar drops 10%, they are losing 8%.  If the dollar drops 20%, they are losing 18%.  So, all these countries will be losing on billions or trillions of dollars of bonds, and then you will get a fire sale on bonds. Everyone will be dumping the bonds because they will be trying to get rid of them as fast as possible.  That is what’s going to happen when they announce QE 4.”

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Fed’s ‘Cocaine and Heroin Injection’ a Criminal Act [Video]

CelenteGreg Hunter – Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says former Fed President Richard Fisher dropped an ominous truth bomb last week on CNBC. Celente says, “Last week, when it was a celebration of . . . 2009 and the markets started going up, Fisher says, quote, ‘We injected cocaine and heroin into the system to enable a wealth effect . . . and now we are maintaining it with Ritalin.’  Fisher also said, a few weeks ago, that ‘the Fed is a giant weapon that has no ammunition left.’  Let’s take his quote, and this is very important, ‘We injected cocaine and heroin into the system.’  You go back to our 2010 alert, and we said this was no recovery.  It was a cover-up.  What Fisher just said was a criminal act. Injecting cocaine and heroin into the system was a criminal act by the banking gang.”  

Celente says the announcement of increased money printing by the European Central Bank last week only means one thing, “The bond buying bubble has burst. You can see what happened.  All of a sudden, they announced this widely anticipated announcement–gold prices went way down and the markets went way up.  Then, all of a sudden–the markets went down and gold prices went way up.  You know why?  Everybody knows this is a fraud, even the Fed guys. . . . All this is, is heroin and cocaine.  It doesn’t fix you and neither does Ritalin. . . . It’s not working.”

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