Terry (A Liberal Who Lost Son to Overdose) Tells Trump to Build the Wall! [Video]

border securityJoe Hoft – On Saturday hundreds of Missouri and Illinois patriots turned out to rally in support of President Trump, border security and The Wall!

The Missouri rally was announced just two days ago on Thursday.

On Saturday hundreds of local conservatives and those in support of US border security voiced their support for US President Donald Trump and his insistence on border security.

Local St. Louisan Terry B., who is a friend of this writer, agreed to speak at the rally on Saturday. Terry lost a child to heroin overdose 5 years ago. She has never spoken about her loss in public. Her son Jason was an athlete and a top student in high school.

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Clinton Charity Not a Charity? Fed $ Trouble and USA Oil Boom [Video]

clintonGreg Hunter – In Congressional hearings on Capitol Hill today, financial experts testified about the wrongdoings of the Clinton Foundation. One of the many big bombs dropped was the fact that the original Clinton charity was only for the Clinton Library. The original function of that charity was never modified as required by law to remain a charity. So, it appears the “Clinton Global Initiative,” and everything else that was not library related, never did the proper filings to be a charity. There were also allegations of “pay to play” by foreign governments like Russia, and we also found out there was an ongoing FBI investigation into the Clintons and their “charity.” Continue reading

Press Release Joint U.S.- Mexican Border Security Zone Proposed

Nick Ruiz – Special Thanks to Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely for this contribution

Press Release Joint U.S.- Mexican Border Security Zone Proposed

BIGFORK, MONTANA DECEMBER 4, 2017 – MG Paul E. Vallely (US Army Ret) has proposed the establishment of an enhanced security zone twenty miles deep on each side of the U.S. – Mexican border to be jointly monitored. Any group or persons occupying this zone engaging in criminal or illegal activities against Mexico or the United States would be targeted, engaged and neutralized.

The unfettered movement of transnational criminals, Islamic extremists and illegal border crossers transiting our porous southern border poses a clear and immediate national security threat. The sophistication of the illicit networks that traffic in narcotics, foment terror and exploit human suffering for profit have exceeded our current ability to protect the homeland. Continue reading