How to Create Peace From Within

How to Create Peace From WithinTanaaz – As human beings we all encounter adversity at different times in our lives. It is natural, normal and is hopefully part of how we advance as a society.

When you are facing adversity in your life, usually it has been created in two ways-

  1. It has been created by your thoughts, feelings, actions and choices to help you shift or change.
  2. It was agreed upon as part of your soul contract and is here to help advance your soul to the next level. Continue reading

A Breathing Practice To Calm Your Mind

Breathing Practice To Calm Your MindNick Polizzi – Today we’re going to embark on a journey into India – to learn a powerful breathing practice called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama that’s easy to do. It will calm your heart and quiet your mind…

The technique is called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing. In Sanskrit, the word “Nadi” means channel or flow, the word “Shodhana” means clarifying or purifying, and “Pranayama” means to take control of one’s breath. Continue reading