Meditation Practices to Start Your Day with Clarity and Calm

Meditation Practices to Start Your Day with Clarity and CalmAmelia Harris – Starting your day with meditation can transform ordinary mornings into a foundation of tranquility and focus, setting a positive tone that influences the entire day. Morning meditation nurtures the mind and soul, sweeping away the remnants of sleep and residual stress from the previous day.

By dedicating a few moments each morning to meditation, you open yourself to a day filled with increased mindfulness, better emotional regulation, and heightened awareness. This quiet time allows you to center yourself, anchor your intentions, and face the day’s challenges with a balanced and prepared mindset. Continue reading

April 2023 Energies – Being in Oneness

April 2023 Ascension Energies - Being in OnenessJamye Price – Blessed Being, you meet a breath of stillness before the next movement. Yet there is movement within that stillness.

You are at a point of breathing the old and new simultaneously. It is around you, within you and beckoning your focus.

To transmute is to focus the freedom and restriction into Oneness.

It is one path of movement through you; varied, undefined but available. Continue reading

Morning Power Rituals To Start Your Day

calm mindNick Polizzi – In the words of the Dalai Lama, “An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.”

Starting the morning off right is absolutely vital – it sets the tone for your entire day.

The first hour after you wake up is an opportunity to reclaim a commitment to robust health, good thoughts, and vibrant energy. Even if you’ve had a poor night’s sleep, or you consumed too much of the wrong food (or drink) the night before, you can reset your intentions each morning, and step back onto the path. Continue reading