On the fire of your love…

breatheThe Angels – Take a breath. Imagine that the air around you is like an ocean. As you breathe in, a wave of clean, pure air rushes into your lungs. It pauses and then recedes as you surrender to the exhale, in much the same way as a wave withdraws from its pinnacle upon the shore back into the eternal ocean.

Breathe again. Allow a wave to rush into you and fill your lungs. Imagine this air filling you, energizing you, and cleansing you. It reaches into your very cells, pauses, and then recedes. Breathe again. Allow waves from the ocean of love to cleanse and enliven you.

Imagine you wanted to build a bonfire on the beach. You would have to wait for the ocean to bring you the wood that you would burn. You would feed these offerings to the fire to fan its flames. The denser energies would turn to light! Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

divine loveThe Angels – Breathe, dear ones. In every breath your life is birthed anew. In every breath the Christ light that came into the world in the form of a little child so many years ago has an opportunity to be birthed again, within you. In every breath, a light that can never be extinguished grows within your heart, illuminating your mind, comforting your emotions, and radiating outward via your every thought, word, and deed into a world in need of love.

Within each of you exists the energy of the manger and the energy of the Christ light. Within each of you exists the energy of the lamps that burn brightly. Within each of you exists the spark of Divine Love that gives you life! Celebrate dear ones! You are the bearers of this light! You are the emissaries of this love! You are the lights upon our tree, the stars in our sky, and the precious souls who have incarnated to remember, once and forever, that you are never disconnected from this light. You are never separate from this love.

Our wish for you in the new year is that you remember that love is eternally yours. Love lives within you. Love exists in our hearts for each and every one of you. With every breath you take consciously and deeply, you draw this light unto you! You expand it within you! When you have a desire, breathe it in and allow the love for this desire to expand within you. When you have a challenge, breathe, and know you are breathing in solutions and assistance. When you care about someone and don’t know what to do, breathe, knowing that as you fill yourself with love, it cannot help but spill over into the lives of those you love. Continue reading

Breathe…And Let Go

 “Many human beings are in despair of what they see and what they perceive in their own lives, but the Pleiadians say all is in hand. So, I say that to myself, all is in hand, and I say that to my audience out there at any show I’m doing, because it really is — and I know the truth of that. So, I send love and blessings to everybody and remember: All is at hand.” – C Day

An Interview On Self-Transformation In 2014

How are you, Christine?

Christine Day: Very well. I’m going through a lot of transformation right now and I’ve been home for the last three weeks, so it’s been a very powerful time for me. Now, I’m home for the rest of July as well, which is most unusual.

Aren’t you usually down in Brazil?

CD: Yes. My guidance was really to spend some time up here and I’ve really gone through a tremendous awakening in the last week, so I’m just still in the middle of that, but I’m just going with the flow. That’s all I can do. You just have to let go and allow yourself to do what’s happening. You really can’t do anything about what’s going on. So, that’s what I’m doing.

It’s an ongoing process, right?

CD: It is an ongoing process for all of us. We’ve started the Galactic Series up here with the communication portal, offering live webinar classes with people worldwide, and that has been just profound. We also have a Lemurian portal opening up directly out in front of the house in Lake Superior and we’ve been building this communication portal for the last 12 months in readiness for these live webinars that I am transmitting directly from that portal out to everybody. So, I’ve been going through a very rapid transmission to be able to hold all those new energies that are coming onto the planet. It has been a lot, but it’s not too much. It’s just part of the evolvement.

Is the key to have patience and just move step-by-step?
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