The Secret to a Healthy Life

healthy eatingPaul Lenda – There are a number of 80+ year-old yogis and yoginis who have been asked what is their secret to being in such great physical and mental shape. They let us in on a little secret and shared that they include broccoli, green tea, and spirula into their diet.

When these three foods are taken together, they will deliver an extraordinary amount of natural energy. While you can get the long-term benefits from having each of these by themselves, there is some extra power you get when taking the trifecta combo.

So, what makes broccoli, green tea, and spirulina so special? I’m going to break down the main benefits of these so you can see just how extraordinary they are at improving health and well-being. Continue reading

Broccoli Sprouts Have 50 Times The Anti-Cancer Properties Of Broccoli

broccolisproutsSprouting seeds of various plant foods has demonstrated increased health benefits with increased nutrient capacity contained in less bulk with higher digestive absorption. In some cases, it’s been observed to transform the regular food substance of a plant and remove its negative qualities. Broccoli sprouts in particular make regular broccoli’s health benefits seem miniscule; sprouts offer nearly 1000% more nutrition than their full-grown conterparts.

Numerous studies have established broccoli as an anti-cancer vegetable. But are broccoli sprouts an anti-cancer improvement over regular broccoli? John Hopkins researchers certainly thought so. From 1992 to 1997, a John Hopkins research team searched for broccoli’s cancer fighting compound.

A Broccoli Sprout War Few Know About

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