Bud Light – A Symbol Of Woke Companies And Consumer Backlash

Bud Light Sales Still Down 28 Percent as Consumers Continue BoycottJonathan Turley – Beer analysts are saying that Bud Light is still struggling with the boycott that has reduced its sale by a whopping 28% over the four weeks leading up to Dec. 9 — and heading to the all-important New Year’s sale period.

The tragic irony for the company is that Alissa Heinerscheid, vice president of marketing for Bud Light, sought to dismantle Bud Light’s “fratty reputation.” She succeeded. It is now the symbol of woke companies for many and consumers seem to be treating the company as a vehicle to express their opposition to the social and political campaigns of companies from Disney to Nike. Continue reading

SOS! America’s Men Needed in Fight Against Trans Activists

SOS! America's Men Needed in Fight Against Trans Activists Trish Randall – Trans activists and their allies (nicknamed handmaids), have been accelerating the male/trans invasion of women’s spaces, sports, and social positions, inserting degrading displays into children’s education and entertainment, and declaring anything less than full-throated support to be genocidal transphobia.

No questions, no talk of biological reality, no negotiations are tolerated by those demanding unprecedented tolerance of their ugliest whims and impulses. Continue reading

Reason Why Bud Light & Nike Are Partnering With Trans Activist

Partnering With Trans Activist Dylan MulvaneyNiamh Harris – The real reason why major corporations are handing out lucrative deals to biological males pretending to be female, is more sinsiter than most people realise.

A report by the New York Post has revealed how the Human Rights Campaign, who stand at the forefront of the LGBTQ mafia, is utilizing a social credit score to force companies like Nike and Anheuser-Busch to advance their toxic agenda.

As the Gateway Pundit reports, these are precisely the tactics Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pulls with their citizens and companies when they say or do something contrary to the CCP’s mission. Continue reading

Walsh tells conservatives to get ‘ruthless’ targeting woke companies

Melissa Fine – The barrage of unbearably woke advertising campaigns from giant brands such as Nike, Bud Light, and even Tampax have taken the culture war to a new level in recent months, with the face of trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney’s painted, “feminized” face flogging women’s products to the outrage of conservative consumers.

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire has a plan to push back, and he’s calling on the right to show “a little grit” and get “ruthless.” Continue reading