Why I Will Never be on “Buddha at the Gas Pump” & Other Full Moon Musings

Lori Lothian – It’s mid April, 2015, and I’m standing at the threshold of my home as spiritual teacher Igor Kufayev and his wife Emma pack their luggage and two children into a friend’s car for a week long trip to one of the islands near Vancouver. I can’t help but think they are escaping my house for a dose of outer peace (cause as you know, enlightened teachers have all the inner peace they need).

Their two weeks as my houseguests has been difficult this time round: Igor is in town to hold teaching events and to grow the local following I helped him start up a year before. The first visit to my home was a “summer of love” that lasted forty epic days. We affectionately dubbed my house “The Ashram.”

This second visit ten months later was to be “Ashram 2” but just like any sequel to a blockbuster film, the second round is never as satisfying.

This visit, I’m in the middle of my householder gig in crazy-ass chaos mode. My husband has been desperately unemployed for months and on the verge on financial wipe-out. The father of my children, my ex, has just come out of an eight week cerebral malaria coma. My teen daughter has come unravelled because of it, with failing grades, missed classes and a harrowing 3 A.M. ambulance to the hospital for alcohol overdose, replete with her ear-splitting, invective-rich shouting — all while the “holy family” as I liked to playfully call the Kufayev’s are trying to sleep in the guest room below.

Add to this tempest that I am in the middle of an intensive video training course so I can launch an online writing-coach business. And that very morning I’ve walked into my open car door, gashed my head, bled all over the place and am dizzy and nauseous. I am clearly concussed.

Still holding the band-aid in place on my throbbing head as the holy family races out the door to catch a ferry, I am confronted by my guru’s wife. Emma, who I consider my soul sister friend, says something to me like, “Why are you doing this online business B.S. What happened to you? Igor told you that you’re supposed to be a teacher.”

Her tone is a mix of pity, disappointment and her look is pure exasperation.

And in that very moment I don’t know a lot of things. I don’t know if this woman is really my friend or simply the devotee mouthpiece for her guru husband. I don’t know if I will have a scar from the gash near my eye. I don’t know if I will finish the video training course this week and I don’t know if Igor is really my teacher after all. Continue reading

Meaningful May Full Moon

Full Moon At 13 Taurus-Scorpio 23

MAY 3, 11:42pm EDT, 8:42pm PDT, MAY 4, 4:42am GDT

“May had peynted with his softe shoures
This gardin ful of leves and of floures. —
from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, 1388*

fullM Kelley Hunter – This is the Buddha Full Moon. The royal Indian prince who became an iconic spiritual teacher is traditionally considered to have been born, enlightened and to have died on the Full Moon in May. Relevant to the teachings of the Buddha, the Taurus Sun/Scorpio Full Moon polarity stretches our awareness between tangible experience and inner depths. If you don’t like what is going on in your life, rearrange your subatomic, subconscious psychology. We need clear direction and clear minds to avoid distractions and feeling overwhelmed by the strong feelings that can’t help but be expressed with Scorpio’s passionate intensity.

Not only is this Buddha’s Full Moon, but also that of Master Astrologer Jeff Jawer, a name familiar to many. He was born on the Full Moon of May 16, 1946 and passed gracefully from this world in February. He is sadly missed. In addition to his consulting practice, teaching and public astrology work with business partner Rick “Merlin” Levine on StarIQ.com, Barnes and Noble Sun sign books and much more, for many years he wrote the “Forecast Calendar” for The Mountain Astrologer, premier astrology magazine. His last column was published in the April-May issue. In honor of his incisive and insightful astrology interpretations, I want to share what he wrote about this Full Moon, the polarity through which he lived a deep and rich life:

“Contrasts abound on May 3, when intellectual flights of fancy are grounded by a Mercury-Saturn opposition. However, an emotionally intense Scorpio Full Moon that day is anything but cool. Jupiter’s T-square to this Sun-Moon opposition could heat feelings to a boiling point, turning minor issues into major ones. Yet, bringing concerns about resources and relationships into the spotlight could lead to bold solutions.”

“Closing our minds to unpleasant thoughts or difficult conversations is understandable, but the looming Scorpio Full Moon demands that we bring everything into the light. The lunar opposition to the Taurus Sun…normally inspires the desire to control emotional extremes. Hiding our discontent is a common reaction. However, loudmouthed Jupiter in Leo’s square to the Full Moon will not be silenced. We may either speak in overly optimistic voices of denial or use honesty to heal mistrust and fear. Fortunately, Pluto is well positioned to help us face challenged from the depths of inner wisdom. Revealing secrets to others (and ourselves) is messy and may initially appear to make matters worse, but with Pluto the Cleaner in orb to trine the Sun and sextile the Moon, we have the capacity to transform even the most intense drama into a source of strength and inspiration.”

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Significance Of Wesak


The annual cycle of the Spiritual Festivals offers opportunity for people of all faiths to cooperate. Together, the three full moon festivals of AriesTaurus andGemini form a united spiritual approach by humanity to divinity.


The Wesak Festival has been traditionally associated in eastern civilization with the Buddha, esoterically recognized as the divine intermediary between the highest spirtual center on the planet, Shamballa, and theHierarchy.

The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment ofLight and the indicator of divine purpose, cooperating at this festival with his brother the Christ, who represents the Hierarchy. The Buddha embodies the Principle of Light, and because of this illumination humanity was able to recognize the Christ, embodiment of the still greater Principle of Love.

Each year at the time of Wesak, two great streams of energy ~ one focussed through the Buddha and the other through the Christ ~ are fused and blended, and it is the task of world servers to precipitate this combined energy into the waiting world.

The Wesak Festival is indeed a great spiritual event, with a powerful effect upon humanity. Groups of aspirants can at this time become channels for the higher energies released through the medium of the two focal points ~ the Buddha, who represents the overlighting essence of subjectiverealities, and the Christ, representative of aspiring humanity.

This is symbolized in religious rituals where the priest acts as the focal point; here, however, the priesthood in this great ceremony of contact is not a separate entity. All can be priests, the single qualification being the capacity to align oneself and be en rapport with the Soul, and thus be able to cooperate with other souls. Continue reading

How To Become A Manifesting Master

Jafree Ozwald | January 1 2013

BuddhaManifesting an amazing life that is rich with loving abundant experiences comes only through being connected to the God Source. When you are relaxed, centered in your bodymind and detached from having to manifest your desires so that you can become momentarily “happy”, you can easily connect to this infinite loving power within. Being connected to the God Source is what allows everyone to know they are on the right path, and desires can manifest or not, and they are still happy. Whenever you are attached to a certain outcome to “bring you happiness” you are coming from a fearful needy place and ultimately feeling disconnected to the God Source. When you are coming from the God Source, you are feeling at peace, empowered and grateful for life just as it is, and the Universe simply tends to hand over every need and desire to you.

“In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up your intention to create your desire…and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.” ~ Deepak Chopra

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Be Totally Wild And Absolutely Free

Jafree Ozwald | November 11 2012

“The wind cannot shake a mountain. Neither praise nor blame moves the wise man.” ~The Buddha, Dhammapada

BuddhaOne of the greatest experiences a human being can have is the feeling of unbounded freedom. Being totally wild and absolutely free means there is nothing holding you back. You are fully self expressed, letting it all hang out, exploring every dimension, direction and quality of your being. Good and bad judgments from your mind (and others) no longer have any weight or meaning. You’ve simply become a fully authentic individual who is total in your creative expression, and who has stopped allowing the mind to dictate your experience of life in any way.

You know you are completely free when you start feeling like a child again. Unpretentious, uninhibited, full of curiosity, spontaneous laughter, playfulness, innocence and are totally unguarded. You feel safe and protected in each moment, at the same time knowing this life is the greatest adventure of them all. The inner child in you is always having fun, is in a continuous exploration of life, learning from every little experience the world has to offer. Feeling the desire to dive down and explore the deepest darkest trench of your past, or climb the highest peak in consciousness you can fathom. It doesn’t matter, its the freedom that is important in this adventure. The freedom to choose the experience you want to have, and immerse yourself into it fully.

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