Who Is Jeb Bush?

George W. Bush passed the ball to Obama. Is Obama about to pass it forward to Jeb Bush?

jebMakia Freeman – The elite establishment who control the MSM (Mainstream Media) are ensuring through their biased media coverage that US 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush becomes the frontrunning candidate for the Republican Party. As he enters more and more the limelight and the consciousness of the average US voter, many will be wondering – who is Jeb Bush, really? This series takes a deeper look at the latest bloodline Bush foisted upon the American people in a “free and democratic” election.

Who is Jeb Bush? The Latest Bush in a Long Line of Treason

The Bush family is one of the most notorious and nefarious American families ever to rise to power in the USA. The list of their deception, thievery and murder stretches all the way back to the early 1900s. For an in-depth investigation into their criminality, listen to The Freedom Link’s The Bush Family: Four Generations of Treason!. Here is a brief snapshot of their family history, starting with Samuel Bush:

– Samuel Bush, father of Prescott Bush, grandfather of George H.W. Bush and great-grandfather of George W. Bush, Marvin Bush and Jeb Bush, becomes General Manager of Buckeye Steel Castings Company which manufactured railway parts. At the time it was run by Frank Rockefeller, brother of oil tycoon and elite kingpin John D. Rockefeller – the same guy that started the Rockefeller oil empire, the Big Pharma cartel and ultimately, in a big way, allopathy or Western Medicine.

– Samuel Bush becomes President of Buckeye in 1908 when Rockefeller retires, staying there until 1927 and according to Wikipedia becoming one of the top industrialists of his generation. During this time his clients include the Harrimans, since the US railroads were controlled by E. H. Harriman. Thus the Bush family begins to do business and rub shoulders with the Harriman and Rockefellers families, 2 major elite bloodlines. When WW1 breaks out, Bush also forms an alliance with the Remington family through arms manufacturing. Joe Joseph, Tim Watts, and John King of the abovementioned The Freedom Link radio shows estimate that during WW1 Samuel Bush and his cronies profited to the tune of US$200,000,000 or $200 million. This equates to around $3.1 billion in today’s money, according to this site.

– Samuel’s son Prescott Bush, through banks owned by the Harriman brothers (E. Roland and W. Averill), traded with the Nazis before and during WW2. The US Government declassified documents proving it. Hitler’s rise to power was aided by Wall St. bankers. Prescott was involved in the failed coup d’etat of 1934 to militarily take control of the US Government, where the plan was to overthrow FDR and install a fascist dictator in line with the ideologies of Hitler and Mussolini. Fortunately Marine Corps Major-General Smedley Butler, the man who famously declared that “War is a Racket”, blew the whistle on the Business Plot and refused to go along with it. Continue reading

Darwinism, Eugenics And The Silent Genocide

Intellihub.com March 25 2013

JG writes ~ The following is a special preview of my hardback book, which is soon to be re-released at a lower price and with added information, this is just one of 87 chapters that are available in Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance

Charles Darwin is one of the most respected figures in scientific history and his ideological theories have changed the way we look at the world and how we practice science.  Although “Darwinism” consists of more theory and assumption than scientific law, it is still held to be absolute truth in the western world.  Charles Darwin did make some incredible observations about the natural world that no one in the west had even approached at the time.

However, these natural observations were corrupted by his own ideological assumptions.  There is a lot of truth in Darwin’s work, but the truth that exists within his research really doesn’t do anything to prove his materialistic assumptions.

Darwin’s painfully damaging assumptions did not come from his research in the wilderness but from his upbringing as a white wealthy Englishman under the strict rule of the Catholic Church.  Darwin belonged to a popular movement at the time that was fed up with the churches tyrannical rule.

The aristocracy also had economic and strategic reasons for wanting to break down the established religious order, as the divine right of kings prevented the nobility from attaining more wealth and power then they already had.  Darwin and his colleagues belonged to that privileged class which sought to disprove any kind of spirituality and remove the spirit from serious intellectual discussion.  This was an understandable goal considering the extremely repressive nature of the church at the time, but what they did was throw the baby out with the bathwater, for lack of a better term.

It is true that the Anglo Saxon church in its many variations was unrealistic, outdated and oppressive even at the time of Darwin, but for some reason he didn’t draw the line with organized religion but wanted to rule out the supernatural altogether.

Darwin and his colleagues assumed that since spirituality in their culture was represented by an oppressive control system that the idea of spirit was somehow damaging to the human condition. In reality it was just the corrupted mainstream versions of religion which Darwin was exposed to that shaped his whole spiritual view. Even if the idea of spirit was some kind of menace, Darwin’s observations have nothing to do with spirituality.

Yes, Darwin’s observations do disprove many specific points of the King James Bible, which did totally cripple that institution.  However, the Christian bible or any other holy book for that matter is not any kind of representation of human spirituality.  It is simply a book that was written by rulers and then passed along to the public as the “word of god“.  Therefore, Darwin’s findings only disprove the said “truths” of specific organized religions but have no implications for spirituality in general.

In Darwin’s time there was an idea among the nobility that their genetics were superior to those of the rest of society.  Many families including Darwin’s took this belief to extreme levels by practicing incest as a tradition.

They thought that if adolescents were to marry within their own family then not only would all the wealth stay in the family, but the “good” genes would also.  This also ensured that the family fortunes would be retained for many future generations.  This practice is very common in aristocratic families, which explains why they are all extremely mentally unstable.  Darwin came from a very classist and racist elite level of society and that is reflected in his work, especially “The Descent of Man”.

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